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They daren't attack the large meetings, but they had a diabolical way of scenting out the small ones. The meetings at the shoemaker's had been undisturbed for some few nights, then a Timminsite passing by had heard hymns, probably listened at the keyhole, and of course informed the main body of the enemy. 'They're like them nassty earwigs, said one boy in disgust, 'they'll wriggle in onywheres.

No," replied Joblins defiantly, but looking nervous all the same. "I ain't so soon frightened as that, Mick!" "All roight, me joker," said Mick. "Oi ownly thort ez how Oi'd not take ye onywheres, ye know; but, faith, ez Oi say ye're so brave a chap, Oi'll now carry on an' till ye all about a raal banshee Oi saw t'other noight." Joblins moved uneasily on his seat. "What!" he cried.

Ben counted out upon his fingers the numberless advantages. Second, the size o' the chickens for table, each hen the weight o' a turkey. Third, for speculation. Let the neebors buy, and she could realize sixty dollar on the brood o' twal' chicks; for they fetched ten dollar the pair, and could be had for nae less onywheres. Every hen wad hae twa broods at the smallest."

We shall all be murdered in our beds!" "Be jabers," ejaculated the mate, following up the captain, who had immediately rushed aft to the spot whence the groan had proceeded; "sure and that's the Meejor's swate voice! I'd know it onywheres, aven in the Bog of Allen!"