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Las' one was dat spruce yaller schoolmarster from Oberlin. Says I, 'Vina, why don't yer git married? 'Pears like yer'd feel less onsettled an' lonesome ef yer had an ole man. Says she, 'I'se got one ole man: dat's 'nuff. Says I, 'But don't yer nebber t'ink yer'd like to git married, Vina? An' says she, 'Yes, Fader Abram, I do.

Yer see, yer Excellency, things hez been kinder onsettled in Middlesex Caounty, an' it hain't been a joyful time to them as wuz Tories; so when orders cum ter bring old Meredith ter York Island, his wife an' gal wuz so scar't nothin' would do but they must come along." "Ay," spoke up the man by the fireplace, bitterly.

That this was true was proven by his conduct during the time in which it was liable to public comment. Until night he was not seen, and then he came in at a late hour and, walking in silence through the roomful of watchers, shut himself up in an inner chamber and remained there alone. "He's takin' it mighty hard," they said. "Seems like it's kinder onsettled his mind.

"What, YOU married now?" "Well, perhaps that's a question. It's a good deal like my beein' an orphan oncertain and onsettled." He paused to pursue an evasive crumb to the end of the bench and having captured it, went on: "It was when I was younger than you be, and she warn't very old neither. But she knew a heap more than I did; and ez to readin' and writin', she was thar, I tell you, every time.

"Rantin' 'roun' 'mong fine folks doan seem to 'gree wid you, honey," old Aunt Dilsey said one morning when she found Betsy in the parlor, her hands folded listlessly on the unheeded sewing in her lap, as she gazed dreamily before her. "You'se all onsettled sence you'se come home.

"I hear things are kind of onsettled in France?" he observed diplomatically, emitting a cloud of smoke. "I see in a Syracuse paper that Louis Philippe is no longer king; that he and the queen have fled to England. Perhaps, now," inwardly congratulating himself on his shrewdness "you left Paris for political reasons?"

So I came over here, took a fancy to the Pope, enlisted, was at Mentana, fit there, got promoted, went home, couldn't stand it, and here I am, back again; though how long I'm going to be here is more'n I can tell. The fact is, I feel kind of onsettled." "Why so?" "Oh, it's an aggravating place, at the best." "How?" "There's such an everlasting waste of resources such tarnation bad management.

Mass' Ed'ards, he say dat de meetin's dey makes coloured folks onsettled; and dey don't hoe de corn good if dey has too much prayin' to do." "And does he forbid them then? doesn't he let you have prayer-meetings?" "'Tain't Mr. Edwards alone, Miss Daisy," said Margaret, speaking low.

"I begun on't rather early," remarked the puncher, taking a long drink, "an' I always use it when my feelin's is onsettled, like now." He handed it back with a sigh. "Never mind, boys," said the drummer. "You all come along with me to the baggage car." So off we trooped. He opened his trunks, and spread before us such a glittering array of trash and trinkets as almost took away our breath.

She moved out of this house whin I moved into it, but none of us ladies here is good enough for her to 'sociate with now, 'm! You see her husband was in the rag, sack, and bottle business, 'm, 'n a wealthy gintleman friend set him up in a fish-cart, an' it's kind of onsettled her, 'm! Some folks can't stan' prosperity.