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Lane remembered the one-step, the fox-trot and other new dances of an earlier day, when the craze for new dancing had become general, but this sort of gyration was vastly something else. It disgusted Lane. He felt the blood surge to his face. He watched Helen Wrapp in the arms of Swann, and he realized, whatever had been the state of his heart on his return home, he did not love her now.

Perhaps the thought thrilled the foreman Ophelia herself had planned it! "Skinny can keep the graphophone working," Carolyn June laughed. "Put on a one-step first," she said as he rather grudgingly went to the corner and started the music. "Come on, Bert, we'll dance this one," she cried merrily, as she stepped up to the blushing cowboy and put her hand, with a tender little pressure, on his arm.

After supper there was a dance, the table was pushed aside, and someone Joan saw with surprise that it was Daddy Brown pounded away at a one-step on the piano. Everyone danced, the men, since there were not enough ladies to go around, with each other. Fanny, wilder, gayer than ever, skirts held very high, showed off a new cake-walk in the centre of the room.

The jig and stamp of ragtime echoed overhead "Dixie! All abo-o-oard for Dixie! Dixie! Tak your tickuts heere for Dixie!"; she heard her own voice "I love that one-step. Why did you drag me away in the middle?" and Jack Waring's in answer "Well, you ought to be grateful to me for getting you a table before the rush starts."

Edington, robbed of his chance, pouted unashamed. "I say, Miss Robson, can't you do a one-step really? There isn't anything to it! Come on try; I'll pull you through." Claire's knowledge of dancing was instinctive, but not a matter of much practice, yet his distress was so comic that she relented. She wondered if he could feel her trembling as they swung into the dance.

Skinny asked as Carolyn June paused after running over a dainty and vivacious one-step, memories of which made her think of Hartville and the fashionable ballrooms where she had reigned as princess at least if not as queen, and which seemed now very far away. "I'm afraid not unless I have the music, but I'll try," she answered, and her fingers again sought the keys.

I couldn't have danced with anyone else that way. Timothy doesn't dance at all like that!" Now this was the rankest ingratitude on Arethusa's part. For had it not been for Timothy's surreptitious lessons, so kindly and willingly given, she would never have experienced the intense pleasure of this one-step with Mr. Bennet.

It was a brassy, clashy rendering of a ribald one-step, enough to choke the eloquence of the most ardent. Couples were dipping and swaying and bumping into one another as far as the eye could reach; while just behind him two waiters had halted in order to thrash out one of those voluble arguments in which waiters love to indulge.

The scouts who had eaten a "light supper" heard him. Warde Hollister who had pled with Roy for a safety first policy heard him. Minerva Skybrow heard him and paused aghast in the midst of a two-step. For what was a two-step now compared to the one-step which Pee-wee had taken?

The vagaries of the one-step are sternly barred by a puritan committee, and, to one who expects surprises, the style of dancing is disappointingly monotonous. But these hotels are also of great use in conciliating the American taxpayers.