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In due course he halted before the inebriated one with the glittering tie-pin in the smoking compartment of the parlor car. "Ticket, please," said Hawkeye. "Too busy to buysh ticket," the man informed him, with heavy confidence. "Whash fare Loon Dam to Big Cloud?" "One-fifty," said Hawkeye curtly. The man produced a roll of bills, and from the roll extracted a two-dollar note.

"But father said one-fifty." "Your father is wrong in this instance." Colina frowned ominously. "How do you know?" she demanded. "I know the price of flour at the different posts," he said deprecatingly. "I know the risks that must be allowed for and the fair profit one expects." "Do you mean to say that father is unfair?" she cried. He was silent. An unlucky word had betrayed him.

The wages will be one-fifty a day more than the run of wages in the camp until the emergency has been met, and Emerson Crawford will board all the volunteers who come out to dig." The speaker was lost again, this time in a buzz of voices of excited men. But out of the hubbub Dave's shout became heard.

The wide room with its one spot of light and all the still, shadowy figures conveyed an effect of grimness. Simon Grampierre opened the meeting. Out of courtesy to Ambrose all the talk was in English. "Men!" said the patriarch. "John Gaviller send word that he will pay only one-fifty a bushel for our grain. We meet to talk and decide what to do. All must agree. In agreement there is strength.

They want me to try you out on some work I'm too busy to do myself. It's not much, and they offer only one-fifty a month as a starter, but it may lead to something better than I can do for you." "Yes, that's so," considered Blake. "It is checking field work reports that come in slowly this time of year. That's the only trouble.

Lady Chatterton, the organiser of the concert, had offered to put her up for the couple of nights involved, and Nan was now hurrying to catch the Paddington West-country train. "I've induced the taxi-driver to come up and carry down your baggage," pursued Penelope. "You'll have to look fairly sharp if you're to catch the one-fifty." "I must catch it," declared Nan.

I'll give you a dollar a day when we're resting and one-fifty when we're traveling." Adrian was smiling in the darkness at his own sudden thrift. He had taken a leaf out of his comrade's own book, and beyond that, he almost loved his precious earnings, so soon as the thought came of parting with them.

It will only take you about four days to build the wall, and at one-fifty per day, that will be six dollars, twice your week's wages right there, and almost enough to pay what you owe me." "I am afraid it can't be done, Snavely; the company might not like it; you see, I would be competing with them, that's their line." "They wouldn't handle so small a job. You know that, Cadge."

'One-fifty, I says, 'an' he's a cheap hoss at the money'; but," added the speaker with a laugh, "I knowed I might 's well of said a thousan'. The deakin wa'n't buyin' no roan colts that mornin'." "What did he say?" asked Mrs. Bixbee. "'Wa'al, he says, 'wa'al, I guess you ought to git that much fer him, but I'm 'fraid he ain't what Mr.

"The up-train to London?" "No: the down-train at one-fifty " "God Almighty help us! The train Mr. Vanstone traveled by to Grailsea?" "The same. I was sent here by the up-train; the line was just cleared in time for it. They wouldn't write they said I must see 'Miss Garth, and tell her. There are seven passengers badly hurt; and two "