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Another indication of a similar tenure of the crown occurs in a curious legend of the deposition and banishment of Odin. Offended at his misdeeds, the other gods outlawed and exiled him, but set up in his place a substitute, Oller by name, a cunning wizard, to whom they accorded the symbols both of royalty and of godhead.

But, above this murmur rose a voice, and I saw the Postilion push his way to the steps of the inn, and turn there, with hands clenched and raised above his head. "My master Sir Maurice Vibart is killed shot to death murdered down there in the 'aunted 'Oller!" he cried, "and, if you axes me who done it, I says to you 'e did so 'elp me God!" and speaking, he raised his whip and pointed at me.

Singer: "We are doing a great deal of work!" Chorus: "May Allah reward us!" The Tommies' refrain was more picturesque. Imagine six men carrying a crate. Chorus: "I don't think!" Chorus: "I don't think!" etc. "Aller, Oller, Aller! Oh, Aller, Oller, Aller! Aller, Oller Oo!" Bully beef came along in the afternoon, and we had landed with full water-bottles, for drinking water was unavailable.

"The Doctor don't let 'im see you lookin' at 'im, darlin', or 'e might think, which Good Gracious know how wrong it 'ud be, as you was a kind o' Peepin' Pry the Doctor 'ave fell orf an' chynged a good deal lately in 'is looks, I mean!" said Mrs. Keyse, tucking in the corner of the flannel over the little downy head. "Wasted in 'is flesh, like got 'oller round the eyes " "So 'e 'as!"

"Well, I bean't company, Peter your friend, I be," he said doggedly, and without looking at me. "Yes," said I; "yes, my good and trusty friend." "Peter," he cried suddenly, laying his hand upon my shoulder, "don't go back to that theer ghashly 'Oller to-night " "It is the only place in the world for me to-night, George."

In France there is no Liverpool or Croydon or Sandown for steeple-chases: there is only an Auteuil. The other meetings in the neighborhood of Paris Maisons, Le Vésinet, La Marche are in the hands of shameless speculators like Dennetier, Oller and the rest.

Well, all I can say is that a played-out old claim is a wonderful queer sort of place to come to for to argify at ten o'clock of night, and what's more, my sweet youth, if ever I should 'ave the argifying of yer' and he leered unpleasantly at Harry 'yer won't 'oller in quite such a jolly sort 'o way. And now I'll be saying good-night, for I don't like disturbing of a family party.

I'm goin' to do wot the lidy said mad or not. An' I 'eld the book an' I 'eld my breath, too, 'cos it was like waitin' for the end o' the world an' after a bit I 'ears myself call out in a 'oller whisper, 'Speak, Lord, thy servant 'eareth. Show me a 'ope. An' I was tremblin' all over when I opened the book. An' there it was!

"Yet you pass it every day on your way to the 'Oller it lays just be'ind Simon's oast-'ouse, as James 'isself will tell 'ee." "So it du," interpolated Dutton, with an apologetic nod, "which, leastways, if it don't, can't be no'ow!" having delivered himself of which, he buried his face in the belcher handkerchief.

'Wheer be Peter? says 'e over an' over again; 'wheer be the Peter as I found of a sunshiny arternoon, down in th' 'aunted 'Oller? You weren't at work 's marnin', Peter, so I be come to fetch 'ee you'll come back wi' me to bid 'good-by' to the old: man?" "Yes, I'll come, Simon," I answered; "wait here for me."