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Holton, paying no attention to him, had gone on to the stable-door and tried it. Finding it to be fast locked, he turned back toward the darkey. "The door's locked, Neb," he said. "Knowed dat afore, suh," Neb replied. Holton was nettled by his nonchalance. "Open that door!" he ordered. "Not widout Marse Holton's ohduhs, suh," Neb answered calmly. "What do you mean?" demanded Holton, angrily.

I stan's by dem ohduhs while dere's bref in my ol' body." Holton was infuriated. "It's lucky for you I'm not your master!" "Dat's what I t'ink, suh." "If you was my nigger, I'd teach you perliteness with a black-snake whip! I'll see what Layson'll say to such sass as you've gin me. Jest you wait till you hear from him." Neb was not impressed by the man's wrath. "Huhd from him afoah, suh.

He looked at Holton with but thinly veiled contempt. "Plenty men 'u'd risk deir wuthless lives to drug huh." "Oh, shucks!" said Holton, trying to control his temper because of his great eagerness to get in to the mare. "She would be safe with me; you know it." "I knows Marse Frank hab barred ebery window an' sealed ebery doah but dis one, an' gib me ohduhs to let no one in 'cept he is by.

"Jus' what I say, suh." Holton made a slightly threatening movement toward him, but Neb did not even wink. "Don't git riled, suh bad fo' de livuh, suh." Holton, now, was very angry. "Look here," he said, advancing on the aged negro angrily. "Do you dare insult a friend and neighbor of Mr. Layson?" Neb slowly rose and answered with some dignity: "I dares obey Marse Frank's plain ohduhs, suh.

"I hope," he said to Frank, "that you'll have better luck nor me. Neb wouldn't open that door for me." "Dem was yo' ohduhs, suh," said Neb, appealing to his master. "An' he was powerful sassy in the bargain," Holton went on, full of malice, hoping to make Neb suffer for defying him.