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"And mind, if the man is rude and you dislike him mind, you must not subject yourself to insolence and mortification." "Oh, all will go well, don't fear," said Philip, cheerfully, and he left the house. Towards evening he had reached his destination. Plaskwith." Philip applied at the private entrance, and was shown by a "neat-handed Phillis" into a small office-room.

I won't deduct for it; I look to you to make it up handsomely by keeping the expenses down. Now, if you'll show a light, I'll come to your office-room and dispose of a letter or two. On that clear, generous face of Mrs Boffin's, Bella had seen such traces of a pang at the heart while this dialogue was being held, that she had not the courage to turn her eyes to it when they were left alone.

Now it was my painful duty to go every morning up to his office-room and see that peon had put fresh ink and everything ready and that the hamal had dusted properly.

Once or twice she knitted her fair brows over something as she read; but, on the whole, she seemed satisfied as she put the papers back into their secret place, locked the little door and put away the key. Then she remembered that she had not given Patsy his orders. She went to Sir Shawn's office-room and wrote them out.

"On reaching Berlin, I went at once to the Packhof, straight to the office-room," standing more erect this time, "and handed them my Royal Rescript. The Head man opened the seal; in reading, he changed color, went from pale to red; said nothing, and gave it to the second man to read. The second put on his spectacles; read, and gave it to the third.

He scratches his rough head, pulls a leg, as he calls it, when the clerk leans over the counter, and asks to see "Muster Mawnering hisself." The clerk points to the little office-room of the new junior partner, who has brought 10,000 pounds and a clear head to the firm. And the yeoman's great boots creak heavily in.

Tell me where the key of the small storehouse is? I said not a word, and he waited a little, then rose, saying: 'It's your own fault if there is any damage done. He ordered Babalatchi to have the lock of the office-room forced, and went in rummaged amongst my drawers could not find the key. Then that woman Aissa asked my wife, and she gave them the key.

Others may have loftier parts to enact; but my mission in this world, Bartleby, is to furnish you with office-room for such period as you may see fit to remain. I believe that this wise and blessed frame of mind would have continued with me, had it not been for the unsolicited and uncharitable remarks obtruded upon me by my professional friends who visited the rooms.

I quartered my men about the quiet old place, and myself hunted up an office-room on one of the rambling streets that wandered beneath the trees. I was well toward the finish of my morning's work when I heard the voice of my sentry challenge, and caught an answering word of indignation in a woman's voice. I stepped to the door.

I'm glad to say you're well thought of. Bishop Kane liked you, and what he says goes." "Yes, Joe, you can count on me," replied Shefford. They finished their meal then and repaired to the big office-room of the house. Several groups of men were there and loud talk was going on outside. Shefford saw Withers talking to Bishop Kane and two other Mormons, both strangers to Shefford.