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But she saw now that the only plausible reason not the truth that they could give for her taking Pierre's job was her desire to see more of her husband. "Well, it's natural we should want to see more of each other," she began lamely. "Oh, I suppose so," said Peggy offhandedly, and with one ear pricked toward the music.

"All right; I might as well go to Buffalo, now I am so close," answered Nat. "But I'll send word home first," he added, and this was done. After resting at a hotel in Buffalo, Tom Shocker proposed a trip to Niagara Falls, Nat, of course, to pay the way. "I'll pay you back some day," said Shocker, offhandedly. "When I strike another situation I'll have plenty of cash.

Hal's disclaimer had sufficient diplomatic warmth to banish her displeasure. She introduced to him as Dr. Merritt a striking-looking, gray-haired young man, who had come up at the same time with an anticipatory expression. This promptly vanished when she said offhandedly to him: "You've had three dances with me already, Hugh. I'm going to give this one to Mr. Surtaine if he wants it."

"What do you mean?" "The story is the quilt. Made of patches: this person's face, that person's love, a cat you knew . . . You make up the quilt the design but the strength of it, its integrity, comes from the patches." She finished her martini. Joe's eyes opened wide. "I have to think about that." "The quilt's the thing," she said offhandedly. "You have to care about it."

Finland, Esthonia, Latvia, Georgia were severed from the chaotic Slav state offhandedly, and the warrant was the doctrine propounded by President Wilson that every people shall be free to choose its own mode of living and working. Every people? Surely not, remarked unbiased onlookers.

One of the decided triumphs of the Paris Peace Conference over the Vienna Congress lay in the amazing speed with which it got through the difficult task of solving offhandedly some of the most formidable problems that ever exercised the wit of man.

And, after that, the fellow had the effrontery to send you a message." "Me? What was it?" asked Miss Polly quickly. "I don't know. I didn't let him finish. I forbade his even mentioning your name." "Indeed!" cried the girl, in quick dudgeon. "Don't you think you are taking a great deal upon yourself, Fitz? What do you really know about Mr. Perkins, anyway, that you judge him so offhandedly?"

Where do you live? I mean, where are you going? Where is your home?" "Nowheres," Lou Lacey replied offhandedly, following with her eyes the graceful swoop of a dragonfly over the tumbling waters of the little stream. "Great Scott!" The astounded young man sat up suddenly, with his hand to his head. "Why, everybody has a home, you know!" "Not everybody," the girl dissented quietly.

He's going to call it 'The Rebellious Princess, and he would like to give a performance of it in the spring. There's to be a big chorus and Professor Harmon is going to pick a cast from the boys and girls of Weston and Sanford High Schools." "Who is Professor Harmon?" asked Constance curiously. "Oh, he's the musical director at Weston High," answered Jerry offhandedly.

"I should like to see those old temples and fakirs and jugglers," said the old man. "What was that you started telling me the other day about a monkey's paw or something, Morris?" "Nothing," said the soldier, hastily. "Leastways nothing worth hearing." "Monkey's paw?" said Mrs. White, curiously. "Well, it's just a bit of what you might call magic, perhaps," said the sergeant-major, offhandedly.