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The same particle po, appears a few lines later in toquichpohuan; potli = comrade, compeer. Tepeitic, from tepetl, mountain, ititl, belly, from which is derived the proposition itic, within, among. The term is applied to a ravine or sequestered valley. 5. quauhtliya ocelotl, the expression quauhtli, ocelotl, is of frequent occurrence in the ancient Nahuatl writers.

Ocelotl is ocelot; Tomatl is tomata; Chilli is the Spanish chile and our chili; Cacahuatl is cacao or cocoa; and Chocolatl, the beverage made from the cacao-bean with a mixture of vanilla, is our chocolate. Cacao-beans were used by the Mexicans as money.

Quiyolcaihuintiaya in teyolia, zan oncan ye omania, zan oncan ye oncuepontimania quauhtepetitlan in ya hualiuhcancopa y ixtlahuatlitica oncan inemaya oc teoatl tlachinolli a. Oncan in epoyahuayan in teoquauhtli oncan iquiquinacayan, in ocelotl, ipixauhyan in nepapan tlazomaquiztetl, in emomolotzayan in nepapan tlazopilihuitl, oncan teintoque oncan xamantoque in tepilhuan.

Auh nicnocuecuexantia in nepapan ahuiacxochitl, in huel teyolquima, in huel tetlamachti, nic itoaya manozo aca tohuanti hual calaquini, ma cenca miec in ticmamani; auh ca tel ye onimatico nitlanonotztahciz imixpan in tocnihuan nican mochipa tiqualtetequizque in tlazo nepapan ahuiac xochitl ihuan ticuiquihui in nepapan yectliyancuicatl ic tiquimellelquixtizque in tocnihuan in tlalticpactlaca in tepilhuan quauhtliya ocelotl.

A second time they left the mezquite bushes in Hue Tlalpan, obeying the order of God. Can onyeyauh xochitl, can oyeyauh yeh intoca quauhtli ocelotl huia ya moyahuaya xelihuia Atloyantepetl Hueytlalpan y anquizan itlatol ipalnemohua ohuaya ohuaya.

Many names of animals are adapted from words in the ancient language of the natives in whose country the creatures were first discovered. The coyote and ocelot were called coyotl and ocelotl by the Mexicans long before Cortes landed on their shores. Zebra, gorilla, and chimpanzee are native African words, and orang-utan is Malay, meaning Man of the Woods.

Mixtli ye ehuatimani yehuaya moxoxopan ipalnemohuani ye oncan celiztimani a in quauhtlin ocelotl, ye oncan cueponio o in tepilhuan huiya in tlachinol, ohuaya ohuaya. The cloud rises upward, rising into the blue sky of the Giver of Life; there blossom forth prowess and daring, there, in the battle field, come the children to maturity.