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The husband, parent, sister, knelt in vain, One recollecting look alone to gain: The shades of night her beaming eyes obscur'd, And Nature, vanquished, no sharp pain endur'd; Calm and serene till the last trembling breath Wafted an angel from the bed of death!

And if, on the contrary, I look'd through the Microscope upon any part that appear'd Green, I could plainly see that the Red thrids were less fully expos'd to the Eye, and obscur'd by the Green ones, which therefore made up the Predominant Colour.

The Heavens here were ever serene; no Thunder-bearing Cloud obscur'd the Sky; the whispering Zephyrs wanton'd in the Leaves, and gently bore along the enchanting Musick of the feather'd Choir: The Sea here knew no Storms, nor threatning Wave, with Mountain swell, menaced the Ships, which safely plough'd the peaceful Bosom of the Deep.

The Indulgence of his Father prompted, and his Wealth enabled him, to bestow a generous Education upon him, whom, he now began to look upon as the Type of himself; an Impression he had made in the Gayety and Vigour of his Youth, before the Rust of Age had debilitated and obscur'd the Splendour of the Original: He was sensible, That he ought not to be sparing in the Adornment of him, if he had Resolution to beautifie his own Memory.

Oft with thy blooming sons, when life was new, Sportive and petulant, and charm'd with toys, In thy transparent eddies have I lav'd; Oft trac'd with patient steps thy fairy banks, With the well-imitated fly to hook The eager trout, and with the slender line And yielding rod, solicit to the shore The struggling panting prey; while vernal clouds And tepid gales obscur'd the ruffled pool, And from the deeps call'd forth the wanton swarms.

Ha you an ambush, Lady? Ile cry out murder. Is two to one faire play? Cou. Let me cut one legg of, to marre his running. De. Hold, let me speake. Cou. What canst thou say for thy baseness? De. Some men loves wit, and can without dishonour Endure a jeast. Why, do you thinke I know not You were here, and but obscur'd to see my humour. I came to waite upon you with your sword, I. Cou.

Tho perhaps the Talent which we call Wit, like that of Humour, is as clearly understood by its simple Term, as by the most labour'd Description; an Argument or which is this, That many ingenious Persons, by their unsuccessful Essays to explain it, have rather obscur'd than illustrated its Idea; I will notwithstanding adventure to give the Definition of it, which tho it may fall short of Perfection, yet I imagine, will come nearer to it, than any that has yet appear'd.