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"Oh, it wasn't you," Patty remonstrated hastily. "It was just the obligatoriness. And besides," she added frankly, "my legitimate cuts were used up days ago, and when I once begin over-cutting, I am reckless." "And may I ask what happens when you over-cut?" the bishop inquired.

The idea of 'good' is obviously too vague to be a differentia. How far the idea of 'Universal Order' gets us out of the difficulty may be doubted, especially after the candid admission of the author, that it is an idea of which the majority of men have never any very clear notions. II. The moral faculty is Reason; Conscience is hardly more than a confused feeling of obligatoriness.

"No; I don't have a chance when I room with Priscilla. But obligatory chapel makes you want to run away," she added. "It's not the chapel I object to; it's the obligatoriness." "But you have a system of er cuts," he suggested. "Three a month," said Patty, sadly. "Evening chapel counts as one, but Sunday morning church as two." "So you expended two cuts to escape me?" he asked with a smile.

From the idea of good-in-itself, i.e., Order, flow all duty, right, obligation, morality, and natural legislation. He carries the idea of Order still farther back to the Deity, making it the expression of the divine thought, and opening up the religious side of morality; but he does not mean that its obligatoriness as regards the reason is thereby increased.

The text as to the lifelong obligatoriness of the Agnihotra is valid for those only who do not retire from worldly life. The argument for the three stages of life, founded on their mention in Vedic texts, has no force, since all those references are only of the nature of anuvada. For none of those texts contain injunctive forms. The text 'There are three branches of sacred observance, &c. Up.

Initiation into manhood is accompanied in many races of men by solemn ceremonies, which instill into the youth the necessity and glory of courage, endurance, self-control, and other virtues. The maidens are taught by equally solemn rites the obligatoriness of chastity.

Hence the only part of morality that can be co-eternal with God, is simply the rules of morality, without their obligatoriness, the salt without its savour.

Mansel's own theory, it is hardly correct to say that 'God did not create morality by his will. Morality involves two elements one, rules of conduct, the other, an obligation to observe them. Now, the authority or obligatoriness of moral laws has been made to depend upon the will of God, so that, prior to that will, morality could not exist.