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Rissoa Chastelii, Nyst, sp. Paludina lenta. Next below are fresh-water and estuary marls and carbonaceous clays in the brackish-water portion of which are found abundantly Cerithium plicatum, Lam. The lower fresh-water and estuary marls contain Melania costata, Sowerby, Melanopsis, etc. This bed contains a mixture of Hempstead shells with those of the underlying Upper Eocene or Bembridge series.

Cyrena Duchastelii, Nyst : 1838. The following marine shells occur mixed with the freshwater species above enumerated: Buccinum undatum, Littorina littorea, Nassa reticulata, Purpura lapillus, Tellina solidula, Cardium edule, and fragments of some others.

It attains a thickness of about 100 feet, and though very different in age, much resembles in mineral character the "London clay," containing, like it, septaria or concretions of argillaceous limestone traversed by cracks in the interior, which are filled with calc-spar. The shells, referable to about forty species, have been described by MM. Nyst and De Koninck.

And anon she espied where Sir Bors came riding. When Bors heard her say thus he had so much sorrow there he nyst not what to do. For if I let my brother be in adventure he must be slain, and that would I not for all the earth. And if I help not the maid she is shamed for ever, and also she shall lose her virginity the which she shall never get again.