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"This is Miss Susan H. Croft" indicating a rather sparse person of very certain years "But I need scarcely introduce her." "Scarcely," murmured Buck, and wondered why. "This is my daughter, Miss Gladys Orton-Wells." Buck found himself wondering why this slim, negative creature should have such sad eyes. There came an impatient snort from Mannie Nussbaum.

There seems to be one defect in the papers of both Nussbaum and Smith and Schuster namely, that neither of them mentions or apparently appreciates the fact that the thumb-pads, apart from the dermal glands, consist of horny epidermis developed from the living epidermis beneath. The horny layer is not shown clearly in the figures of Smith and Schuster.

Magnificent Lilli Lehmann might make a certain effect in Götterdämmerung so long as she had a leg to stand on or a note to croak, but an adequate delivery of Der Nussbaum or Wie Melodien demands a vocal control which a singer past middle age is not always sure of possessing.... After a long retirement, Mme. Sembrich gave a concert at Carnegie Hall, November 21, 1915.

The great songwriters were models in this respect. This accounts for their greatness. Take for example Schubert's Wohin and Der Wanderer, Schumann's Der Nussbaum, Brahms' Feldeinsamkeit. These accompaniments are as full of mood as either poem or melody. The element of proportion enters into songwriting no less than into architecture.

At the entrance of the three women, he had been engrossed in the difficult task of selling a fall line to Mannie Nussbaum, of Portland, Oregon. Mannie was what is known as a temperamental buyer. He couldn't be forced; he couldn't be coaxed; he couldn't be led. But when he liked a line he bought like mad, never cancelled, and T. A. Buck had just got him going.

From various parts of the house came sounds of voices and of footsteps, more than once of distant laughter. Far above somewhere a child's high call rang out. Nearer at hand some one touched the keys of a piano, playing snatches of Schumann Der Nussbaum, Mondnacht, Die Lotosblume. Richard recognized the airs which thus reached his ears, and was sorry when they ceased.

Smith and Schuster found that castration at other seasons caused the pad to remain in the condition in which it was at the time, that there was no reduction or absorption as Nussbaum and Meisenheimer found, and that allo-transplantation of testes that is, the introduction of testes from other frogs either into the dorsal lymph-sacs or into the abdominal cavity or the injection of testis extract, had no effect in causing growth or development of the thumb-pad.

His eyes were bright as a boy's. He stopped at their table and paused for one dramatic moment. "So, me beauty, you two were in cahoots, huh? That's the second low- down deal you've handed me. I haven't forgotten that trick you turned with Nussbaum at DeKalb. Never mind, little girl. I'll get back at you yet." He nodded a contemptuous head in Jock's direction. "Carrying a packer?"

Let us return to the subject of Expression, and examine a song; for example, "Der Nussbaum" by Schumann. The prevailing mood through it is one of quiet gayety, consequently one demanding a pleasant expression of countenance. The song picture must rustle by us like a fairy story.

Prof. Nussbaum. Other substances which would answer the same purpose would be dilute solutions of picric or chromic acid, of not more than one to one-half per cent., or one part to two hundred of water. Vinegar or acetic acid of the shops may also be used; the last to be diluted in the proportions of about one part in ten of water.