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"How you shy at the word, Joyce! There are two or three with the same meaning to select from, you know wedding, nup " "Sh-h! George. Some one will hear you." "And suppose they do. Are you ashamed of it? I am not. I can't even hear one of those words without a thrill of happiness. And it isn't all for ourselves, either, dearest. There is a great work before us, and many are interested.

'And you won't come back till rehearsals begin? 'Nup. 'Then I swear on my father's and mother's life! Pinchas departed gleefully, not knowing that Kloot was an orphan.

Aladdin waited impatiently for the train to start. The conductor passed hurriedly through. "What's up?" called Aladdin after him. "Up!" cried the conductor. "We're off the track." "Can't we go on to-night?" "Nup!" The conductor passed out of the car and banged the door. "Got to sit here all night!" said Aladdin. "Not much! Get up, Troubles!

"Say, uh, but say, cap'n, Jake thought you'd be able to fix me up for eight or nine a bottle." "Nup. Twelve. This is the real stuff, smuggled from Canada. This is none o' your neutral spirits with a drop of juniper extract," the honest merchant said virtuously. "Twelve bones if you want it. Course y' understand I'm just doing this anyway as a friend of Jake's." "Sure! Sure! I understand!"

She could see the top of his head with a bald place showing through the thick, low-lying grizzle of hair. "Nup," he said, "I guess not." He heaved himself up and walked across the room to the window. "It's as hot as hell in here," he growled as he fumbled at the sash. "Hot!" she exclaimed. "Why, it's cold. What's the matter with you?" "It's these barred-up city places; they knock me out.

"Well, you ain't fattened up any," he said with a quizzical grin and side glance. That made him look more like himself, but Pancha noticed that his movements were stiff. "What's the matter?" she said sharply. "You ain't got the rheumatism again, have you?" "Nup," he sank slowly into the chair. "But sometimes when I first move I sort 'er kink at the knees.

'All right, 'Sure! 'Yes, sir, 'Say, how's the boss? 'Good-bye. 'Not a cent. 'Take the elevated. 'Yup. 'Nup. 'That's one on you! 'Rubber-neck! A continuous fusillade of such phrases stimulated and flattered the audience, pleased to find themselves on such easy terms with the new language. But to Pinchas the idea of peppering his pure Yiddish with such locutions was odious.

Is it exciting? No. Any lost diamonds in it? Nup. Mysterious murders? No. Whopping big fortune, now teetering this way, and now teetering that, tipping over on the Hero at the last and smothering him in an avalanche of fifty-dollar bills? No. Does She get Him? Isn't even that. No "heart interest" at all.