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Now ever once in four or five dayes, Pocahontas with her attendants, brought him so much provision, that saved many of their lives, that els for all this had starved with hunger. 'Thus from numbe death our good God sent reliefe, The sweete asswager of all other griefe.

Now ever once in four or five dayes, Pocahontas with her attendants, brought him so much provision, that saved many of their lives, that els for all this had starved with hunger. 'Thus from numbe death our good God sent reliefe, The sweete asswager of all other griefe.

Now ever once in four or five dayes, Pocahontas with her attendants, brought him so much provision, that saved many of their lives, that els for all this had starved with hunger. 'Thus from numbe death our good God sent reliefe, The sweete asswager of all other griefe.

She stated simply that all Chinamans in London called him that; and being pressed further added, with as near an approach to impatience as her gentle nature could muster, that it was obviously because Plince Victo' was Numbe' One: ev'-body knew that. A knock at the door interrupted Sofia's questioning.

"Who are you?" Sofia demanded in a breath. A bob of courtesy, wholly charming, prefaced a reply pattered in English of quaintest accent: "You' handmaiden Chou Nu is my name." "My handmaiden!" "Les, Plincess Sofia." "But I don't understand. How when ?" "Las' night Numbe' One he send for me, but when I come you go-sleep." "Number One?"