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"He says his name is Waters," returned Bill. "Jake said he saw him at the North Fork in '50 called himself Moore then. Guess he ain't no good, nowhow. What's he doin' round here?" "Says he's prospectin'," replied the landlord. "He has a claim somewhere in the woods. Gambles a little too, I reckon. He don't travel on his beauty anyhow."

I'd like tuh see the whole caboodle o' Chinks dropped inter the middle o' the gulf, I hate 'em so, but thar's good money in the game, we happens tuh know, Zeb, which I jest caint hold back on nowhow. Les go!" Greatly to the relief of the listening Perk he heard the sound of splashing gradually recede until finally it died away completely.

'Course, ever' marster warnt as free handed as our'n was. "I warnt learnt nothin' in no book. Don't think I'd a-took to it, nowhow. Dey learnt de house servants to read. Us fiel' han's never knowed nothin' 'cept weather an' dirt an' to weigh cotton. Us was learnt to figger a little, but dat's all.

Fac' is, 'twas way over in a territory where nothin' 'ud grow. I didn' know nothin' 'bout farmin', nowhow, I'd always been a coachman an' play companion to de white chillun. "De war was over in May 1865, but I was captured at Vicksburg an' hel' in jail 'til I 'greed to take up arms wid de Nawth. I figgered dat was 'bout all I could do, 'cause dey warnt but one war at Vicksburg an' dat was over.

Dem suppers was de bes' I ever et. Sometimes dey'd be wil' turkey, fried fish, hot corn pone, fresh pork ham, baked yams, chitlins, pop corn, apple pie, pound cake, raisins, an' coffee. Law, Miss! de folks now-a-days don't know nothin' 'bout good eatin', nowhow. "When de big war broke out I sho' stuck by my marster. I went in de battles 'long side o' him an' both fit under Marse Robert E. Lee.

"All dat de slaves got after de war was loaned dem and dey had to work mighty hard to pay for dem. I saw a lot of poor people cut off from votin and dey off right now, I guess. I doan like it dat de woman vote. A woman ain't got no right votin, nowhow. "Most of de slaves get pensions and are taken care of by their chillun." "Ah doan know about de generation today, just suit yourself bout dat."

It was not until ten o'clock that the three Rover boys left for Cedarville in the big school stage. As was usual, Peleg Snuggers drove the turnout, which was filled to overflowing with cadets. Behind the stage came a big wagon, heavily loaded with trunks and boxes. "Now, young gents, no cutting up," pleaded the general-utility man. "The hosses won't stand it, nowhow!"