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Isn't it bad enough to have sat watching one of Anatole's supremest dinners flit by, course after course, without having you making a song about it? Don't remind me of those nonnettes. I can't stand it." I endeavoured to hearten and console. "Be brave, Tuppy. Fix your thoughts on that cold steak-and-kidney pie in the larder. "Yes, in the morning. And it's now about half-past nine at night.

"Come, Tuppy," I urged, "this is morbid. Don't take this gloomy view. She must at least have spotted that you refused those nonnettes de poulet Agnès Sorel. It was a sensational renunciation and stuck out like a sore thumb. And the cèpes

No easy one, I can assure you, for the browsing and sluicing had been of the highest quality, and there had been one dish in particular I allude to the nonnettes de poulet Agnès Sorel which might well have broken down the most iron resolution. But he had passed it up like a professional fasting man, and I was proud of him. "Oh, hullo, Tuppy," I said, "I wanted to see you."

No doubt the man had put his whole soul into those nonnettes de poulet, and to see them come homing back to him must have gashed him like a knife. However, spilt milk blows nobody any good, and it is useless to dwell upon it.

Even Seppings, Aunt Dahlia's butler, a cold, unemotional man, had gasped and practically reeled when Tuppy waved aside those nonnettes de poulet Agnès Sorel, while the footman, standing by with the potatoes, had stared like one seeing a vision. I simply refused to consider the possibility of the significance of the thing having been lost on a nice girl like Angela.