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'I will not pity, because I respect my kinswoman who has save our lives, he said steadying his voice with difficulty. 'The priests of Nissard will aid me in sparing your name and fame. 'Ah! she cried, sitting up with a start of joy, 'but he would make too many inquiries! Take me to England first. Berenger started as he saw how he had been misunderstood.

Berenger seized the opening to explain his position, and mention that his only present desire was for permission, in the first place, to send a letter to England by the messenger whom the King was dispatching to Elisabeth, in tolerable security of her secret countenance; and, secondly, to ride to Nissard to examine into the story he had previously heeded so little, of the old man and his daughter rescued from the waves the day before La Sablerie was taken.

He knew the position of Nissard, among dangerous sandbanks, between which a boat could only venture at the higher tides, and by daylight. To go the six miles thither at present would make it almost impossible to return to the THROSTLE that night, and it was absolutely necessary that he at least should do this.

'Who? where? asked Berenger, raising his head as if catching at a straw in this drowning of all his hopes. ''Tis true, added the fisherman. 'It was the holy priest of Nissard, for he send down to St. Julien for a woman to nurse the babes. 'To Nissard, then, said Berenger, rising. 'It is but a chance, said the old Huguenot; 'many of the innocents were with their mothers in yonder church.

He took us to a good priest's, Colombeau of Nissard, a man who, as Madame may know, is one of those veritable saints who still are sustained by the truth within their Church, and is full of charity and mercy. He asked me no questions, but fed, warmed, sheltered us, and sped us on our way.

As soon as it was possible to leave Nissard, Berenger was on his way back to head-quarters, where he hoped to meet the Duke de Quinet among the many Huguenot gentlemen who were flocking to the Bourbon standard; nor was he disappointed in the hope, for he was presented to a handsome middle-aged gentleman, who told him, with much politeness, that his mother had had the honour to receive and entertain Mme. de Ribaumont and that some months ago he had himself arranged for the conveyance of her letters to England, but, he said, with a smile, he made a point of knowing nothing of his mother's guests, lest his duties as a governor might clash with those of hospitality.

Berenger yielded passively, but when the ruins of the town had been again crossed, and the sad little party, after amply rewarding the old man, were about to return to St. Julien, he stood still, saying, 'Which is the way to Nissard? and, as the men pointed to the south, he added, 'Show me the way thither. Captain Hobbs now interfered.

The timidity, so unusual and inexplicable in a youth of eighteen or twenty, sowed itself irrepressibly at the Sands of Olonne. These were not misty, as on Berenger's former journey. Nissard steeple was soon in sight, and the guide who joined them on a rough pony had no doubt that there would be ample time to cross before high water.

On that word believe that Madame de Selinville is as spotless a matron as when she periled herself to save my life. I never even knew her sex till I had drawn her half drowned from the sea, and after that I only saw her in the presence of Dom Colombeau of Nissard, in whose care I left her.

Every clang seems to me to say, "Home! home! home!" 'For you, Phil, said Berenger; 'but I must be satisfied of Eutacie's fate first. I shall go first to Nissard whither we were bound when we were seized then to La Rochelle, whence you may 'No more of that, burst out Philip. 'What! would you have me leave you now, after all we have gone through together? Not that you will find her.