United States or Malta ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I've been cleaning house," said Gerald with the owl-like gravity of a man just conscious that he is not wholly himself. Sally pushed her way past him. The apartment in which she found herself was almost an exact replica of her own, and it was evident that Elsa Doland had taken pains to make it pretty and comfortable in a niggly feminine way.

I wish I had been engaged first, after all, because now every one will give Esther a present as a compliment to the family, and when it comes to my turn they will think they have done their duty, and send nothing at all, or only some horrid, niggly little thing like a bread-fork or crumb-scoop! I just know how it will be " "But you won't need presents, dear.

My father and Mr. Mortimer have just taken a house down on the coast and there's just one niggly little bathroom in the place." "Is that your only reason for condemning England?" "Oh no, it has other drawbacks." "Such as?" "Well, Englishmen, for instance. Young Englishmen in particular. English young men are awful! Idle, rude, conceited, and ridiculous."

How soon the paint and the brush-marks and the niggly little touches fade away and the THING ITSELF comes out and says "How do you do?" and that it is so glad to see him, and that it has been lurking behind these colors all day, trying to make his acquaintance, and he would have none of it.

In the middle of the history of a jungle plant which was the glory of the collection, Rob suddenly lifted his head and put a startling question: "Are you interested? Do you care to hear about it?" Peggy looked at him and made a little sign of apology. "Not much, Rob! It's curious, of course, but very `niggly, don't you think? It makes no effect at all in the bed."

"What niggly writing!" objected Nellie Bliecker, wrinkling her snub nose in the disgust that masks the gnawing tooth of envy. "And the envelope is all over sticky brown," said another carping critic. "That's because he put the letter inside the chocolate-box," explained Greta, "instead of outside. And the best chocolates the expensive ones always go squashy.