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"He may give all of us university boys the swift run," laughed another of the draughtsmen. "I don't believe it," Tom replied. "The added help that you fellows have given us has enabled us to double our rush forward. I've a notion that President Newnham is a man of great common sense." "How are the sick men this morning," inquired Harry. "Is either one of them fit to talk with the president?"

If Darsie had known a passing temptation to abandon her efforts, it would have been impossible to do so in the face of such unanimous appeals. Well, it was good to be back in Newnham once more, to get to work again after the lazy weeks, to wake up one's brains with tussles over Anglo- Saxon texts, to wrestle with philology, instead of browsing over novels and magazine tales.

"When you were in England," said Corona, "did you visit Newnham College?" He never had. But she told him that she had been there for two years. "And now," she continued, "there may be time enough before I must pack up my effects to finish what I was going to say to you about approximate assimilations."

She brightened wonderfully as she realized that after all they were not apart, they had not differed; simply they had misunderstood.... And before he knew where he was, and in a mere parenthetical declaration of liberality, he surprised himself by conceding her demand for Newnham even before she had repeated it. It helped his case wonderfully. "Call in every exterior witness you can.

He thought that by this proceeding the examination of witnesses on the part of the merchants might be finished, and of consequence the business brought into a very desirable state of forwardness against the ensuing session. These observations had not the desired effect, and the motion of Mr. Alderman Newnham was carried without a division.

As Lineville was to be the western terminus of the new railroad the work of the field party was very nearly finished. President Newnham, who was all anxiety to see the first train run over the road, remained with the field engineers.

Reade, locate that main body and turn us loose on 'em. If you don't, the fellows in the real ambush will soon make a sieve of this camp. There must be a regiment of 'em!" President Newnham had prudently decided to lie down flat on the ground. Nor was it any reflection on his courage that he did so.

Aldermen Newnham, Sawbridge, and Watson, though they wished well to the cause of humanity, could not, as representatives of the city of London, give their concurrence to a measure which would injure it so essentially as the abolition of the Slave Trade.

"It is a mistake to look too far ahead in life, but of course if you contemplate teaching, you ought to be thoroughly equipped." She was silent for a moment, gazing thoughtfully through the window. Then in a level, perfectly commonplace voice she continued: "I shall be pleased, my dear, to defray the expenses of your course at Newnham..."

So romantic, too. Ralph Percival is so good-looking!" "I fail to see what his looks have to do with it," said Darsie in her most Newnham manner. "Strong arms were more to the purpose, and those he certainly does possess." "Strong arms stout heart!" murmured Lavender in sentimental aside. "Well, then, tell about the treasure-hunt in the Percivals' garden and how you you know!