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"I vas on my vay to ze soute aux poudres to blow you and all ze people to ze devil to keep company wiz your inqueezatif first leftenant. And I would have done eet, too, but for zat pestilent midshipman, who have ze gripe of ze devil himself. Peste! you Eengleesh, you are like ze bouledogue, ven you take hold you not nevare let go again."

But, all de same, I tink you one very nice man; an' you safe my life; an' I sall not forget nevare; an' I weesh . Sall I tell you what I weesh?" "Yes, yes," said Zac, eagerly, with a strange thrill of excitement. Margot threw a quick look around. "Dees Monsieur de Cazeneau," said she, drawing nearer to Zac, and speaking in a low, quick voice, "I 'fraid of heem.

No, hug the shore, man, hug it so close as posseeble, and nevare lose sight of land for fear of being lost at sea."

You will remember this and surely call upon me?" "It is verra good you do care," observed Marie, still a good bit amazed. "You see I have chosen to make my home in Littleton, and I want to be one with you. I want to be helpful, as well as to get help." "Zat ees a good way to feel. Littleton zet ees our new name, I hear. It do sound strange to me yet. We nevare haf a name before.

I nevare joke; je n'entends pas la raillerie, Sare, voulez-vous have de kindness to give me back de money vot I pay!" "Certainly not." "Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot?" "That's your business, sir, not mine." "Den I make von mauvaise affaire von gran mistake!" "I hope not. I don't think you have thrown your money away in the land."

"Der lieber Gott! I shall nevare vergersen sie nevare!" They had had, he said, a breaker of water in the boat when they quitted the whaler, but this was soon drunk out, and although they had occasionally something to eat, catching several fish, they suffered terribly from thirst. It was that which had killed his comrades mainly.

I said I was afraid not, for I knew the school was in rather low water, and that Miss McDonald, so far from being able to keep me for nothing, had dismissed the junior governess, and that I was to fill the vacant post. "'Nevare mind, he said, 'we vill find ze way. I, Giorgi Vanucci, to you make ze assurance. "Then he took down my name and address very carefully in a note-book and sent me away.

"Cancale spéciale will charm you; ze coast it is so immediately flat, and ze life of ze sea charmante. Nevare at Paramé, always at Cancale." So we drove on. The governor pacified but anxious only succumbing at my argument that Bäader knew all Normandy thoroughly, and that an old courier like him certainly could be trusted to select a hotel.

When is it to be mine, M'sieu Fortier?" "Nevare, nevare!" exclaimed M'sieu, gripping on as tightly to the case as if he feared it might be wrenched from him. "Me a lovere, and to sell mon violon! Ah, so ver' foolish!" "Martel," said the first speaker to his companion as they moved on up town, "I wish you knew that little Frenchman. He's a unique specimen.

"I understand," said Joyce quickly, with a little sigh; "he isn't quite steady?" "I would nevare say ill of him. He mean well oh, yes! But he do not know when it is time to leave off.