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"Don't alarm me please don't!" implored Dale. "It's most unkind, Shack." Fred Hollis was the first one up. He batted a grounder through Bubbs and reached second. Then came Brooks, who romped to first on an error by Netterby, although Hollis was held at second.

Gallup retired to his regular position in center field. Dunnerwurst took right field, and Carson came in to play short. Merry entered the box. And Thad Barking astonished every one by lacing out a clean single. Following this Bob Bubbs put up a foul, which was captured by Hodge. Brooks was caught off his base, and the agony ended when Netterby struck out.

Vos you plind your eyesight in?" "Oh, I knew I couldn't hit," chuckled Bubbs, "so I got hit. That's part of the game." "Veil, mebbe dot vos so, but you don'd pelief it. Der next man vill haf something different to did." Netterby was the next man. After pitching a ball behind Net's back and another one over his head, Hans managed to get one across the pan.

Sparkfair attempted to cut the pan with a swift one, but Higgins hit it. It was a hot grounder to Netterby, who fumbled it long enough for Hungry Sam to arrive at first in safety. Tommy Chuckleson and Sam Scrogg were on the coaching lines. "We're off again!" shouted Scrogg. "Off again, on again, gone again!" piped Chuckleson. "It's up to you, Balloon! Don't take an ascension!"

Bubbs followed with the third bunt, while Crowfoot and Barking moved up. Nevertheless, Scrogg managed to secure the ball and throw Towser out. Netterby attempted to bunt, but popped up a little fly to Hodge and followed Bubbs to the bench. "I rather guess it's all over," said Higgins. "The bunting game didn't work." Bemis looked doubtful, but Sparkfair still held to his instructions.

Slick drove a sharp grounder at Netterby, who booted it into the diamond, and a run came in before the ball could be recovered. Oliver was safe on first, and the sacks were still full. The score was tied once more. Carson walked out and laced out a handsome single, which brought in two runs. "How Featherstone would rejoice had he lingered!" muttered Sparkfair. "They're getting away with this game.