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Noo, there's the new minister o' Netheraird, he writes his sermon on ae side o' ten sheets o' paper, an' he's that carried awa' at the end o' ilka page that he disna ken what he's daein', an' the sleeve o' his goon slips the sheet across tae the ither side o' the Bible. "But Doctor Ferintosh wes cleverer, sall it near beat me tae detect him," and Elspeth paused to enjoy the pulpit ruse.

"You remember that Sabbath when the minister of Netheraird preached." "Weel, a'll admit that," making a concession to justice. "Did ye see him in the vestry?" "A' canna deny it." "Was he intoxicated?" The crudeness of this question took away Drumtochty's breath, and suggested that something must have been left out in the creation of that advocate.

"'A 'm astonished at ye, said Jamie, for the Netheraird man let it out; 'yon wes a sermon for young fouk, juist milk, ye ken, tae the ordinar' discoorses. Surely, as if the thought had just struck him, 'ye werena thinkin' o' callin' Maister Cunningham tae Muirtown. "'Edinboorgh, noo; that micht dae gin the feck o' the members be professors, but Muirtown wud be clean havers.

"Weel," replied Drumtochty, making a clean breast of it, "since ye maun hae it, a' heard that he wes a very learned man, and it cam intae ma mind that the Hebrew, which, a'm telt, is a very contrairy langidge, hed gaen doon and settled in his legs." The parish of Netheraird was declared vacant, but it was understood that the beadle of Pitscourie had not contributed to this decision.

"Some drove from Muirtown, giving out that they were English tourists, speaking with a fine East Coast accent, and were rebuked by Lachlan Campbell for breaking the Sabbath. Your men put up their trap at the last farm in Netheraird which always has grudged Drumtochty its ministers and borne their removal with resignation and came up in pairs, who pretended they did not know one another.