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The young acting-editor, who never wrote what he did not think, had taken much pains with this editorial, especially the sketchy part. Of course the pestiferous Chronicle took an entirely different view of the situation. "The Chronicle has won its great fight," so it nervily said, "against classism in Blames College." And it had the vicious taste to add: "Nothing in Mr.

"Hey, you!" he cried, beckoning to a Whitehall which hovered discreetly on the outer rim of the floating confusion. A tiny launch, pulling heroically at a huge tow-barge, attempted to pass between; but the boatman shot nervily across her bow, and just as he was clear, unfortunately, caught a crab. This slewed the boat around and brought it to a stop. "Watch out!" the first officer shouted.

"Is it?" de Spain asked as naïvely as if he had never heard of Calabasas, though Jeffries was nervily stating a fact bald and notorious to both. "There are a lot of bad men there," Jeffries went on, "who are bad simply because they've never had a man to show them." "The last 'general' manager was killed there, wasn't he?" "Not in the valley, no. He was shot at Calabasas Inn."

Name of a name! when that damnable English spy was actually in his power, the man was a pusillanimous fool to allow the rich prize to slip from his grasp! Chauvelin felt as if he were choking; his slender fingers worked nervily around his cravat; beads of perspiration trickled unheeded down his pallid forehead. Then suddenly he had an inspiration nothing less!

"It's no use ... there is something in the air to-day. I cannot work.... Phew!... methinks I feel the approach of thunder." She threw down her modelling tools with a fretful gesture and then nervily began to destroy her morning's work, patting the clay aimlessly here and there until once more it became a shapeless mass.

Cally, lifting a handkerchief to obliterate the adjacent odors of a gas-tank, said: "I haven't the smallest idea." "Why, don't you like the rattle of business, Cally? Don't you like the bustle, the fine democratic air? Why, hello! There's V.V.!" Carlisle's head turned at once. "He's signalling us," said Hen, waving back; and she nervily added: "Stop, William!"