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The next spell is directed to be said to the Cat, i.e., a symbol of the daughter of Ra, or Isis, who had the head of Ra, the eyes of the uraeus, the nose of Thoth, the ears of Neb-er-tcher, the mouth of Tem, the neck of Neheb-ka, the breast of Thoth, the heart of Ra, the hands of the gods, the belly of Osiris, the thighs of Menthu, the legs of Khensu, the feet of Amen-Horus, the haunches of Horus, the soles of the feet of Ra, and the bowels of Meh-urit.

UATCHET, who was a form of Hather, and who had dominion over the northern sky, just as NEKHEBET was mistress of the southern sky. NEHEB-KA, who was a goddess who possessed magical powers, and in some respects resembled Isis in her attributes. SEBAK, who was a form of the Sun-god, and was in later times confounded with Sebak, or Sebek, the friend of Set.

It gave him rule and authority, and every command uttered by him was immediately followed by the effect required. I desired Neheb-ka . . . . . . ." Horus is protected 230 in his own body, and the spells which his mother Isis hath woven protect him. Horus is protected by the weeping of his mother, and by the cries of grief of his brethren; and he who is under the knife is protected likewise.