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Well, Lady Neferte, I thank you for your warning, still I am ready to take my chance, hoping that my children will not be made ashamed by the blood of such a singing-girl as this, who, as I saw when that screen fell, has stamped upon her throat the holy sign they worship on the Nile." "I am honoured," answered Tua coldly, "yet it may not be.

"Yes, more or less, but on foot it is over a year's journey away, and the path thither lies across great deserts and through tribes of savage men. Few live to reach that city." "Yet I will reach it, or die, Father." "Perhaps you will, Daughter Neferte, perhaps you will, but I think not at present.

In the shadow of some palm trees stood Kepher, awaiting them, and with him certain of the stern-faced, desert chiefs, who bowed as they advanced. "Hearken, Lady Neferte, and you, O Asti her companion," said Kepher to them, "I must depart, who, this matter finished, have my bread to beg far from here.

I only thought that you were almost blind, Father Kepher, and therefore could not know the difference between a pearl and a pebble." "My feeling still remains to me, Daughter Neferte," he answered with a little smile. Then Tua gave him the basket.

Tua and Asti stood upon one side of this basin, and to the other came the King, so that the water lay between them. Thrice he bowed to Tua, then said: "Lady, who, as your servants tell me, are known as Neferte, a maiden of Egypt, and for lack of the true name, doubtless this will serve, Lady, I come to ask your pardon for what must seem to you to be a grievous wrong.

Doubtless there will be some listening who will hear you and bring me the news in the Desert, where I dwell who do not love towns, and then I may be able to help you." "I thank you, my Father, and I will remember. But pardon me if I ask how can one so " and she paused. "So old, so ragged and so miserable give help to man or woman that is what you would say, Daughter Neferte, is it not?

"In my long life I have often noted that sometimes men are more than they seem and women also. Perhaps you have learned the same, for nurses in great houses may note many things if they choose. But let us say no more. I think it is better that we should say no more. You and your companion how is she named?" "Neferte," answered Asti promptly. "Neferte, ah!

Certainly that was not the name which the spirit used, though it is true that other name began with the same sound, or so I think. Well, you and your companion, Neferte, escaped from those wicked pirates, and managed to bring certain things with you, for instance, that beautiful harp, wreathed with the royal uræi, and but what is in that second basket?" "Pearls," broke in Tua quickly.

O Lady Neferte, this must be my excuse, that I have no choice. By fortune, good or ill, I know not which, this day I beheld your face, and now but one desire is left to me, to behold it again, and for all my life. Lady, the Goddess of Love, she, whom in Egypt you name Hathor, has made me her slave, so that I no longer think of pomp or power or wealth, or of other women, but of you and you only.