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The jewel hidden ... the way we must keep our secret. Muzzie won't let me wear it here, but I'll wear it the minute I leave here, and every minute of my life. It was wonderful for your father to let us have it when we're so young and have so long to wait!"

"Of course, Muzzie, if you want me to, but I can't see what difference it makes. I'll never be any surer than I am now, and I can't ever know Jimsy any better than I do now. Why" she laughed "it isn't as if I had fallen in love at eighteen, with a new person, some one I'd just met, or some one I'd known only a little while, like Carter!

"And you mustn't believe all the hysterical tales in the newspapers, Muzzie dear. Here's Stepper now." Stephen Lorimer was turning the car in at the driveway and a moment later he came into the house. He looked very tired but he smiled at his stepdaughter. "You're in luck, Top Step! I've just come from the Mexican Consulate. Met some corking people there, Mexicans, starting home to-morrow.

"I think," said the girl at length, "I'd like to go up to my room and rest for a little while, if you don't mind, Muzzie, and Stepper." "Right, T. S. You'll want to be fresh for to-morrow." "Do, dear and I'll have Kada bring you up some tea. Rest until dinner time, because Mrs.

Her eyes widened, startled. "I shall go home for all summer next year! I meant to go this year, but Muzzie thought I ought to stay, to be with Carter and Mrs. Van Meter, when they'd made such lovely plans for me, and it was really all right, this time, because Jimsy ought to be with his father on the Mexican trip." Her smooth brow registered a fleeting worry over James King the elder.

If I felt like this about Carter I'd think it was reasonable to 'wait' and be 'sure." She was aware of a new expression on her mother's lovely face and interpreted it in her own fashion. "I'm sorry if you don't like our telling Carter, Muzzie. We did it before you asked us not to, you know. He's always with us and I'm sure he'd have found out, anyway." She smiled. "Carter's funny about it.

"Well, then, there's nothing to worry about," said Honor, comfortably, "for you want me to be happy and I can't be happy unless it's with Jimsy, so you'll have to want me to have Jimsy, Muzzie!" "Mother wants real happiness for you, Honor, genuine, lasting happiness. That's why she wants you to be sure. And you cannot possibly be sure at your age." "Yes, I can, Muzzie," said Honor, patiently.

"Odd, isn't it, that you don't go to a girls' school?" Honor laughed. "That's what Muzzie thinks. She did want me to go, but I didn't want to, and Stepper my stepfather, you know, stood up for me. I never liked girls very much when I was little. I do now, of course. I've two or three girl friends who are wonders. I adore them. But I still like boys best.

"Well, it's time to begin," said Hughie, and with a good by to his mother he turned away. "Remember, take a city," she called out after him. "All right, muzzie, I'll remember." In a few moments the teams were in position opposite each other. The team from the Front made a formidable show in weight and muscle.

That's the ugly, shameful truth, and you're too blind to see it. If you knew the things Carter told his mother " "I don't want to know them, Muzzie." "Of course you don't. That's just it! Blind! Blind and stubborn, determined to wreck and ruin your whole life. And I must stand by, helpless, and see you do it. And the danger of the thing!