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"Ramler," writes Georg Forster, "ist die Ziererei, die Eigenliebe die Eitelkeit in eigener Person." Lessing to Von Murr, 25th November, 1768. The whole letter is well worth reading. A favorite phrase of his, which Egbert has preserved for us with its Saxon accent, was, Es kommt doch nischt dabey heraus, implying that one might do something better for a constancy than shearing twine.

The cats, of benignant aspect, rolled no phosphorescent eyeballs, like the cat Murr in the story, and they seemed quite incapable of writing their memoirs, or of deciphering a score of Richard Wagner's.

Many species of composites have been tried, and they are all constant. On the other hand rare sports of this kind have been observed by Murr and other authors. Many kinds of vegetables and of fruits give instances of stability. White strawberries, green grapes, white currants, crisped lettuce, crisped parsley and some other crisped forms may be cited.

Under these difficulties he addressed himself in vain to the celebrated Wolfius, to the Royal Society of London, and to other bodies that were likely to interest themselves in such a subject. In 1761, when M. De Murr of Nuremberg was in London, he made great exertions to obtain the MSS., and Dr Bradley is said to have been on the eve of purchasing them.

The competition probably raised the demands of the proprietor, in whose hands they continued for many years. In 1773 they were offered for 4000 francs, and sometime afterwards M. De Murr purchased them for the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St Petersburg, in whose library they still remain.

The Spaniards claim the Honor of this Discovery. Dr. Edit. 1758. De Murr says that Behem or Behaim, was a native of Nuremberg in Germany, acquainted with Columbus, but had no right to dispute with him the discovery of America. Analytical Review Vol. The Spaniards pretend not to any discovery prior to those of Columbus, Americus, and Behaim.

These lines are part of a passage which it is said is interpolated by a different hand, in the original manuscript of the chronicle of Schedel. De Murr assures us that they are not to be found in the German translation of the book by George Alt, which was finished the 5th October, 1493.

That's your way, Dodo." Something certainly gave Celia unusual courage; and she was not sparing the sister of whom she was occasionally in awe. Who can tell what just criticisms Murr the Cat may be passing on us beings of wider speculation? "It is very painful," said Dorothea, feeling scourged. "I can have no more to do with the cottages. I must be uncivil to him.

The Canada fleabane or Erigeron canadensis, the tansy or Tanacetum vulgare and some others may at times be seen with ray-florets, and according to Murr, they may sometimes be wanting in Aster Tripolium, Bellis perennis, some species of Anthemis, Arnica montana and in a number of other well-known rayed species.

It has been said by some that he studied under Philip Bervalde the elder, and by others under John Muller, otherwise called Regiomontanus, though De Murr, who has made diligent inquiry into his history, discredits both assertions. According to a correspondence between Behem and his uncle discovered of late years by De Murr, it appears that the early part of his life was devoted to commerce.