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As they moved forward through the silent forest the gypsy sang softly to himself: "The Romany chal to his horse did cry As he placed the bit in his jaw, Kosko gry, Romany gry, Muk, man, kuster, tute knaw." He was still humming this weird tune when they emerged into the open fields, and there the traveler experienced a surprise.

I demanded; and taking the horse by the mane, I performed the ceremony after the most approved fashion: the animal stood still, and I mounted the saddle, exclaiming "The Rommany Chal to his horse did cry, As he placed the bit in his horse's jaw; Kosko gry! Rommany gry! Muk man kistur tute knaw."

The dogs were curling up in the wind like leaves before a blaze. Ah Chugor Ruk was ahead with his team. His leader suddenly halted. "Muk-a-muk!" cried the Eskimo. "Muk!" echoed Punni Churah, running up alongside to look, and then back to the captain's sled, where he shouted something loudly in order to be heard above the storm. An ice crack crossed their trail. There was no help for it.

"Muk," the counterpart of Peary's "King Malamute," has thriven for years on his daily ration of dried fish, tallow, and rice, and eats biscuits and doughnuts whenever he can get them. The malamute is affectionate and faithful and likes to be made a pet of, but he is very jealous and an incorrigible fighter.

Quin's eyes were starting out of his head, and there was, I assure you, nothing of the pleasant smile that rests on his face at this moment! "`Och, sor! gasped Quin, `Bowla Muk no Mowla Buksh has gone mad entoirely! "I jumped up quickly, you may believe, for I didn't often see that look on Quin's face, and when I did, I knew well that something very serious was in the wind.

Almost at once; for the arrival of our eight dogs had made a commotion amongst the canine population of the place, that after repeated outbreaks of noisy animosity and defiance seemed to turn by common consent into a friendly and most protracted howling contest in which my malamute "Muk" plainly outdid all competitors.