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The clerk smiled and bowed formally and once more they whirled away in their 'rikshas. They visited many shops in Tokyo that morning. It was like a fascinating bazaar and it seemed impossible to tear themselves away, although Komatsu kept always close to their elbows and several times observed: "Muchly more time. Come again."

Billie endeavored to throw off her depression by giving Onoye lessons in English in exchange for lessons in Japanese, and in the course of these lessons she learned a little of Onoye's history. O'Haru had been obliged to go to work after the death of her husband who had lost all his property in a fire. Onoye's only brother had been killed in great "bat-tel." The family had had "muchly unfortune.

She thankt me muchly and tript galy away. There's considerable human nater in a man, and I'm afraid I shall allers giv aid and comfort to the enemy if he cums to me in the shape of a nice young gal. At the next station I didn't get orf so easy. I was dragged out of the cars and rolled in the mud for several minits, for the purpose of "takin the conseet out of me," as a Secesher kindly stated.

Billie surprised the little Japanese girl sitting up examining her arm, which was wrapped in bandages. "Why, Onoye, I didn't know you had been injured," she exclaimed, running over and kneeling beside the sick girl. Onoye was speechless. She tried to cover her arm with the sleeve of her kimono and to apologize and bow all at the same time. "Not muchly badly," she said at last in a low voice.

"From North Bridgeboro," said Roly Poly, swinging his legs. "The six of us went to camp for the day just above old Trimmer's land up the river." "I know him," Pee-wee said; "he's a grouch." "Very muchly," said Roly; "he's worse than algebra." "He's worse than algebra and civil government put together," said Pee-wee.

"Not muchly good in a renting-house. Komatsu take honorable saucepan," he explained. In his arms, beside the luncheon hamper, he bore also a beautiful bunch of lilies. As they climbed into their 'rikshas they were aware of the sound of clipping, and glancing toward the summer-house, beheld twelve old women cutting the grass with large shears.

"Top muchly more easy than bottom," he said smiling. "Empty house but all same muchly inside." Billie glanced hastily at the scraps of paper and saw her own name in one corner. "Why, it's to me," she exclaimed, and sitting on the bench, she began to decipher the pieced letter. "Dear Billie: "Since you all hate and disapprove of me, I do not wish to stay with you any longer.

It was the whiteness of her neck that he remembered, the narrowness of her shoulders and the silkiness of her pale gold hair. He had been standing at the window for perhaps five minutes when her voice reached him from a great distance. "Thanks muchly for the hanky. I'm better now." "I'm glad," he said with his back towards her, once again on his guard.

It was poison to his spirit to question so honorable, august, and altogether wise a person, but I was suspected of a grave offense, and I must answer his questions. Where was my home? Easy. How did I live? Easier. Who was my grandfather? Fortunately I remembered. Was I married? Muchly. Where was my master? Did not have any. My husband was in China. Was I in Japan by his permission? I was.

I had heard you speak of him as one of the gentlemen you met at the minister's, and he seemed muchly interested in you. He said that you had done him a great service, and of course I knew it was by frightening that robber away. I never saw a man more pleased than he was when I told him that the doctor thought you were as good as cured, and he thanked God very piously for the same.