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Why, sir; we do not know what moment someone may spring upon us! All their spies are out and on guard to-night; everything is watched as a cat watches a mouse-hole!" "If you leave me, how am I to get over to the mainland?" Taylor did not make an immediate reply, and the detective repeated his question. "I did not think you intended remaining." "What did you think?"

O'Driscol, you're well known! to have more o' the divil than the man in you beggin' your pardon, sir, for the freedoms, I'm takin' but it's all for your own good I'm doin' it. Have you e're a mouse-hole about your place, sir?" "A-hem! Why, Cannie," asked O'Driscol, with an expression of strong alarm in his face "why do you ask so so singular a question as that?"

I thrust in the key, indeed, but with no more faith than if I had been bidden to put it into a mouse-hole. Nevertheless, it turned easy as thinking, and a little door swung open, cunningly fitted. Here were dresses, books, parchments huddled together. "Bring all these to me," he said. And I brought them carefully in my arms and laid them on the bed.

I think you'll like it, Mr. Rand." The telephone rang, Cecil Gillis answered it, listened for a moment, and then said: "For you, Mr. Rivers; long distance from Milwaukee." Rivers's face lit with the beatific smile of a cat at a promising mouse-hole. "Ah, excuse me, Mr. Rand." He crossed to the desk, picked up the phone and spoke into it.

There is always a mouse-hole behind locked doors. He looked very pale, had a dark beard, and large shining eyes. The lamp smoked; but the walls were accustomed to this. They did not turn any blacker. The prisoner was scratching on them both pictures and verses; but I did not read the latter. I fancy he was tired of being alone, for I was a welcome guest.

Beyond the timber was a field of corn, climbing a side-hill that sloped off to a level, grassy plain. Beyond the hill-top, reveille was still sounding. A military camp was near me, and although I made no move, my mind was up and busy as the drumsticks over the hill. I sat as quiet as a cat at a mouse-hole, looking down at my uniform, not, indeed, the most healthful sort of dress for that country.

Thence they went to some birds' nests in the small firs, and last of all they set about their best game digging up mice-nests. Pelle knew every mouse-hole in the meadow, and they lay down and examined them carefully. "Here's one that has mice in it," said Rud. "Look, here's their dunghill!" "Yes, that smells of mouse," said Pelle, putting his nose to the hole.

In the morning Misery wakes as usual, and cries out to be taken to the tavern. "We've sold everything I've got," says the merchant. "Well, what are you going to do to amuse me?" says Misery. "Let's play hide-and-seek in the yard," says the merchant. "Right," says Misery; "but you'll never find me, for I can make myself so small I can hide in a mouse-hole in the floor."

Beauly's door! Upon that he closes his own door, leaving the tiniest little chink to look through; puts out his light; and waits and watches at his tiny little chink, like a cat at a mouse-hole. The corridor is the only place he wants to see; and a lamp burns there all night. Twelve o'clock strikes; he hears the doors below bolted and locked, and nothing happens.

I find it, for example, quite respectable to lie on one's stomach on a hot summer day in the field, in front of a mouse-hole and observe the daily occupations of the little gray mistress of the domain. That way one comes nearer to the soul of the world than by engraving what any fool has chosen to smear on canvas. Ah yes ... our respectable professions!"