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The careers of the two men are not dissimilar; but Morosoni was a child beside Dandolo, for at his death he was but seventy-six. This was once a popular arena for bull-fights, but there has not been one in Venice for more than a hundred years. Opposite is another ancient palace, now a scholastic establishment with a fine Neptune knocker.

The fine floor tomb with brass ornaments is that of Francesco Morosoni, the heroic defender of Candia against the Turks until, in 1669, further resistance was found to be useless and he made an honourable retreat. It was there that he at last fulfilled his dreams of conquering the Morea.

It was while he was conducting this campaign that the Doge Marcantonio Giustinian died, and Morosoni being elected in his place was crowned on his battleship at Porto Porro in Cephalonia. The carousals of the army and navy lasted for three days, at the new Doge's cost, the resources of the fleet having no difficulty in running to every kind of pageantry and pyrotechny.

Returning to Venice, after the somewhat inglorious end of his campaign, Morosoni was again crowned. Although a sick man when a year or so later a strong hand was again needed in the Morea, the Doge once more volunteered and sailed from the Lido with the fleet. But he was too old and too infirm, and he died in Nauplia in 1694.

But he was behind his time: he was an iron ruler, and iron rule was out of date. The new way was compromise and pleasure. The marble lions that now guard the gate of the Arsenal were saved and brought home by Morosoni, as his great fighting ducal predecessor Enrico Dandolo had in his day of triumph brought trophies from Constantinople.