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Why, I hearn about a little girl who happened to hear a man swearin' dretfully at sunthin and he apoligized. "Oh," sez she, "I'm used to it, my papa owns a car." But 'tain't necessary to swear at 'em, it don't do no good, besides the wickedness on't. But jest as I wuz moralizin' on this, I hearn a bystander talkin' about the Trip to the Moon.

What are you about this minute but trainin' him up to what may be his own destruction yet?" "Come now, Frank, none of your moralizin'," the truth is, that the punch was beginning rapidly to affect his head; "none of your moralizin', throth it's a preacher you ought to be, or a lawyer, to lay down the law.

I dare presoom to say I eppisoded more'n a hour to myself about it and to Josiah, 'tennyrate Josiah got real huffy and acted, and sez in a pitiful axent: "Samantha, I'm willin' to hear preachin' twice a week and can set under it like a man, but it comes kinder tough to have moralizin' and preachin' brung into the bosom of the family and liable to be drizzled out onto me week days, and any time, night or day."

But to leave moralizin' and to resoom, it was on Friday, P.M., that he arrove at our home.

It really does beat all; but I forget that, while I am moralizin' like on the flight of time, you must be famishin' with hunger, to say nothin' of your bein' tired most to death with your long ride in the cars; give me a seat in my wagon behind old Dobbin, with a good whip in my hand, and those who like the cars better may have them for all me.