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"Yes, truly," said Martin, "the Abbé is right. I was in Paris when Miss Monime passed, as the saying is, from this life to the other.

So they came to Alexandria, but on the way called at the Nile villa where was Artemisia, and, to the great satisfaction of that young lady and of Agias, carried her along with them to the house of Cleomenes, where that affable host and Berenice and Monime received them with open arms. Their pleasure at this reunion, however, began to abate when they realized the disturbed state of the city.

The queen was all that Cornelia had noticed her to be when they met at the Great Square; but she was more than a beautiful woman. In fact, in mere bodily perfection Monime or Berenice might well have stood beside her. The glance of the queen went through and through her guests like arrows of softly burning light.

There were registered also interpretations of dreams, some of which he had seen himself, and others had been seen by some of his women; and there were lewd letters of Monime to him and his answers to her. Theophanes says that there was also found an address of Rutilius in which he urged the King to the massacre of the Romans in Asia.

Cleomenes himself was a widower, and his ample house was presided over by two dark-skinned, dark-eyed daughters, Berenice and Monime girls who blended with the handsome Greek features of their father the soft, sensuous charm of his dead Egyptian wife. Bashful indeed had been these maidens in contact with the strangers who came bearing with them the haughty pride of all-conquering Rome.

The frequency of Cornelia's visits to the palace on following days seemed to prove that the admiration was not unreciprocated. Indeed, Monime and Berenice grew jealous of the queen for stealing their new friend from them. How Ulamhala's Words Came True The sentries were going their rounds; the camp-fires were burning low.

She painted a picture called "Artemisia" and a second of "Monime Pulling Down Her Diadem," which were interesting and excellent examples of her style of painting. <b>LOCATELLI, OR LUCATELLI, MARIA CATERINA.</b> Of Bologna. Died in 1723. She studied under Pasinelli, and in the Church of St. Columba in Bologna are two pictures by her a "St. Anthony" and a "St. Theresa."

Monime was much talked of among the Greeks, and there was a story to this effect, that though the king tempted her with an offer of fifteen thousand gold pieces, she held out until a marriage contract was made, and he sent her a diadem with the title of queen.

Fabia, too, suffered, but, older and wiser, comforted Cornelia not so much by what she might say, by way of extending hopes, as by the warm, silent contact of her pure, noble nature. Monime and Berenice were grieved that their friends were so sad, and used a thousand gentle arts to comfort them.

There is the jealous, terrific Hermione; the delicate, melancholy Junie; the noble, exquisite, and fascinating Bérénice; there is Roxane with her voluptuous ruthlessness, and Monime with her purity and her courage; and there is the dark, incomparable splendour of Phèdre.