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"I say, as old Bardianna in the Nine hundred and ninety ninth book of his immortal Ponderings saith, that all men " "As I live, my lord, he has swamped three canoes," cried Mohi, pointing off the beam.

And the more numerous and mighty they waxed, by so much the more did they take pride and glory in their origin, frequently reverting to it with manifold boastings. The proud device of their monarch was a hand with the forefinger crooked, emblematic of the peculatory propensities of his ancestors. And all this, at greater length, said Mohi.

"If the sage Yamjamma said that," said old Mohi, "the sage Yamjamma might have bettered the saying; it's not quite so plain as it might be." "Yamjamma disdained to be plain; he scorned to be fully comprehended by mortals. Like all oracles, he dealt in dark sayings.

Hence, when you find yourself at a loss in these matters, wait patiently, and mark what the other monkeys do: and then follow suit. And by so doing, you will gain a vast reputation as an accomplished ape. Above all things, follow not the silly example of the young spark Karkeke, of whom Mohi was telling me.

And thus perpetually vexing, incensing, tormenting, and exasperating their helpless victims, the atrocious Plujii reveled in their malicious dominion over the souls and bodies of the people of Quelquo. What it was, that induced them to enact such a part, Oro only knew; and never but once, it seems, did old Mohi endeavor to find out.

For it is only when your deviltry injures another, that the other devils conspire to confine yours for a mad one. That is to say, if you be easily handled. For there are many bedeviled Bedlamites in Mardi, doing an infinity of mischief, who are too brawny in the arms to be tied." "A very devilish doctrine that," cried Mohi. "I don't believe it."

"Pause you to invent as you go on?" said old Mohi, elevating his chin, till his beard was horizontal. Yoomy resumed.

But to my sorrow, I marked that both Mohi and Babbalanja, especially the last, seemed not so buoyant of hope, concerning lost Yillah, as the youthful Yoomy, and his high-spirited lord, King Media. As our voyage would embrace no small period of time, it behoved King Media to appoint some trustworthy regent, to rule during his absence.

Looking at him disdainfully, but vouchsafing no reply, Yoomy began over again. "It is now above ten hundred thousand moons, since there died the last of a marvelous race, once inhabiting the very shores by which we are sailing. They were a very diminutive people, only a few inches high " "Stop, minstrel," cried Mohi; "how many pennyweights did they weigh?"

"Because of its passing through the ashes of ten kings, of yore buried in a sepulcher, hewn in the heart of the rock." "Mighty kings, and famous, doubtless," said Babbalanja, "whose bones were thought worthy of so noble and enduring as urn. Pray, Mohi, their names and terrible deeds." "Alas! their sepulcher only remains." "And, no doubt, like many others, they made that sepul for themselves.