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But the wind was blowing a strong gust, and the furious billows would not allow us to face them in a mere skiff. No doubt Ned Land understood this because he said nothing to me. For my part, I made no allusion to his escape plans because I didn't want to push him into an attempt that was certain to misfire. I was readily compensated for this delay by fascinating research.

I did not attempt to sleep. Faulkner told me that we were to meet the next morning half an hour after sunrise at a place in the forest a mile distant. Each man was to fire one shot, but two pistols were allowed in case of a misfire. All that night by the light of a lamp I got my weapons ready.

The unexpectedness of this misfire positively overcame his faculties. It was the only thing for which his imagination was not prepared. It was knocked clean over.

"How about that brace that flew right down the line? You must have seen 'em coming all the way. You didn't even try a shot at them, man!" Dermott, who was fastening up his gaiter, answered rather listlessly "Sorry! It was a misfire, I think." "What?" cried the outraged Admiral. "A misfire? Both barrels of both guns?" I did not hear the answer to this. I was looking at Dolly.

"You'll have to keep a sharp look-out all the time and be on your guard to frustrate any murderous attack," said Jane, adding in a tone of weak obstinacy: "It's a dreadful situation to be in, with a mad butler dangling over you like the sword of What's-his-name, but I'm certainly not going to cut my visit short." Clovis swore horribly under his breath; the miracle was an obvious misfire.

Blount, and here you've got me on the run the first crack out of the box!" This time Blount's smile was entirely conciliatory. "Don't let that little misfire in the Lost Mountain foot-hills embarrass you, Mr. Hathaway. I assure you I'm not at all vindictive." "All right," said the visitor, only too willing to dismiss the Jack Barto incident and the forced awkwardness of the pretended surprise.

Generally the sergeant and I took it in turns to pick up these 'dud' grenades as they were called. After some experience it was possible to tell the moment the grenade was thrown why it did not go off, for example the fuse might be damp and never light; or the cap might misfire; or, worst of all 'duds, the striker might stick fast through rust or dirt.

"First hardly hurt me at all, and the second one was quite a misfire." This was rather a surprise to those who remembered Gordon's driving power. Golding was thought rather a "lad" after all. Gordon, however, soon dispelled this illusion. A week later he went down to the House game in which Golding was playing and cursed him roundly all the afternoon with perfect justice.

As all was new to him, he complied with almost childlike docility to the demands upon him, but he was ever watchful that his conduct should conform to that of those around him. If called upon to speak, he responded; and he stood before the cheering crowds in noticeable mental control. The few words he used did not misfire nor jam.

The action of the charge will generally be found quite as effective with a few inches of covering matter as with a foot or more, while the exploding of misfire cartridges is rendered simple, as no removal of tamping is required before placing the top "plug" in case of misfire.