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"Here's his stick knock him down-stairs with it, if you like. I should keep the tube, if I were you, as a memento. I don't suppose the respectable Mirsky will ever call to ask for it. But I should certainly kick Ritter out of doors or out of window, if you like without delay." Mirsky was caught, and, after two remands at the police-court, was extradited on the charge of forging Russian notes.

"Max, they called him," said Desmond. "His name was Mirsky when last I saw him," answered Francis, "and mine was Apfelbaum, if you want to know. He was a German agent in Russia and as ruthless and unscrupulous a rascal as you'll find anywhere in the German service.

Hunter? He looked doubtful, so I went on: 'His friend will do, you know I can't think of his name; foreign gentleman, dark, with a bushy beard. "The barber understood at once. 'Oh, that's Mirsky, I expect, he said. 'Now, I come to think of it, he has had letters addressed to Hunter once or twice; I've took 'em in. Top floor back. "This was good so far. I had got at 'Mr. Hunter's' other alias.

On the 8th, when their cannon were heard thundering in the rear of the Turkish earthworks at the foot of the Shipka Pass, Radetzky charged down on the Turkish positions in front, while Mirsky assailed them from the east. Skobeleff meanwhile had been detained by the difficulties of the path and the opposition of the Turks on the west.

"Everything is relative, Mirsky, and you have misused gravely the term 'unlimited. Our power was, and is, very definitely limited.

He rattled violently at the handle and pushed. Then he called. "At this moment I had come upon the first of the negatives you have just smashed. The fixing and washing had evidently only lately been completed, and the negative was drying on the rack. I seized it, of course, and the others which stood by it. "'Who are you, there, inside? Mirsky shouted indignantly from the landing.

"Of course I said nothing about your business; but, while I was talking with the Scotland Yard man, a letter was left by a messenger, addressed to Mirsky.

Of course, when I first missed the tracings, they were in this walking-stick, safe enough, and I was tearing my hair out within arm's reach of them!" "Precisely. And Mirsky took them away before your very eyes. I expect Ritter was in a rare funk when he found that the drawings were missed. He calculated, no doubt, on your not wanting them for the hour or two they would be out of the office."

Hewitt bent it across his knee and laid it on the table. "Yes," Dixon answered, "that is Ritter's stick. I think I have often seen it in the stand. But what in the world " "One moment; I'll just fetch the stick Mirsky left behind." And Hewitt stepped across the corridor. He returned with another stick, apparently an exact fac-simile of the other, and placed it by the side of the other.

Even though he had no reason to believe that there was anything dangerous within hundreds of millions of miles, it was Roger's cautious custom to release the screens from time to time, in order to allow his detectors to range out. This day, as he sent out his beams, his hard gray eyes grew even harder. "Mirsky! Nishimura!