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Gilman gave thanksgivings and departed, explaining that he must return to Madame Piriac. Foa and Dauphin and the Oriental resumed the argument about Musa's talent and the concert. Miquette would say nothing as to the success of the concert. Foa asserted that the concert was not and would not be a success. Dauphin pooh-poohed and insisted vehemently that the success was unmistakable and increasing.

When he had gone Suzette lighted my candle. "Suzette," I said, "your dinner was a success." "Ah, but I am content, monsieur. Mon Dieu, but I do love to cook!" "Come, Miquette! It's past your bedtime, you adorable egoist." "Bonsoir, Suzette." "Bonsoir, monsieur." Village of Vagabonds! In which the hours are never dull! Lost village by the Normand sea!

I have told her plainly if she even touches them I will boil her in oil. "Do you hear, Miquette?" and she turns away and licks her pink paw as if she had not heard you essence of selfishness that I love! Shall I tell you who is coming to dine to-night, Green-eyes? Our neighbours!

And as Miquette regained her liberty upon her four paws, the Marquis and Marquise de Clamard announced their arrival by tapping on the window, so that for the moment the cozy room was deserted save by Miquette, who profited during the interval by stealing a whole sardine from the hors-d'oeuvres.

Foa seemed to be exhibiting the majestic Oriental, nicknamed Miquette, as the final arbiter, whose word settled problems like a sword, and Miquette seemed to be trying to bear the high rôle with negligent modesty. "But, yes, he has! But, yes, he has!" Dauphin protested, sweeping all Miquettes politely away.

You hear!" exclaimed Monsieur Foa to Monsieur Dauphin and Madame Foa, with an impressed air. "You hear what Miquette says. He has not a concert talent. He has everything that you like, but not a concert talent."