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She stood gazing into his face; not a tear in her eyes; no quiver of her lips. She had passed that stage; she was like a victim led to the stake in whom nothing but dull endurance is left. Jack backed into a chair and sat with bowed head, his cheeks in his hands. Had the earth opened under him he could not have been more astounded. Garry Minott a defaulter! Garry a thief!

"That is no trouble for you to do," rejoined Jack, looking into his friend's face. "You're doing something that's worth while." "Well, aren't you doing something that's worth while? Why you'll be a millionaire if you keep on. First thing you know the lightning will strike you just as it did your uncle." Morris leaned forward at the moment and called Minott by name.

Downey, and again congratulate you. Last year it was awarded to Mr. Buttrick for the masterly way with which he put together the big arches of the Government warehouses a man whom it would have been my pleasure to congratulate again to-night had it been possible for him to reach us. Garrison Minott, who for " The rest of the sentence was lost in the uproar. "Garry! Garry!

"They are all here, Major," Peter cried, dragging me inside. It was wonderful how young and happy he looked. "Miss Corinne, and that loud Hullaballoo, Garry Minott, we saw prancing around at the supper you remember Holker gave him the ring." "And Miss MacFarlane?" I asked. "Ruth! Turn your head, my boy, and take a look at her. Isn't she a picture?

One of those sudden smiles which his friends loved so well irradiated Peter's face. "Keep on the way you're going, my son," he said, seizing the boy's hand, a slight tremble in his voice, "and you'll get a dozen of them." "How?" The boy's eyes were wide in wonderment. "By being yourself. Don't let go of your ideals no matter what Minott or anybody else says.

"I heard you wouldn't be up till late, Mr. Minott," he exclaimed gruffly, blocking Garry's exit to the street. "I couldn't find you at the Council or at your office, so I had to come here. We haven't had that last payment on the church. The vouchers is all ready for your signature, so the head trustee says, and the money's where you can git at it."

"I DO know him," he said, holding out his hand cordially. "I've been knowing him all the evening. He's made most of the fun at his end of the table. You seem to have flaunted your Corn Exchange banner on the smallest provocation, Mr. Minott," and Peter's fingers gripped those of the young man. "That's because I've been in charge of the inside work. Great dinner, isn't it, Mr. Grayson.

If it's writ that way, it's writ that way; that's all there is to it " and the two joined Jack who had stepped into the hall, his eyes up the stairway as if he was listening intensely. "Then you say, Mr. Breen, that Mr. Minott will meet us at the Board meeting on Monday?" Jack was about to reply when he caught sight of the doctor, his hand sliding rapidly down the stair-rail as he approached.

"What, that old fellow that looks like a billiard ball in a high collar?" muttered Minott with a twinkle in his eye. "We've been wondering where Mr. Morris dug him up." "Hush," said Breen "he'll hear you." "All right, but hurry up. I must say he doesn't look near so bad when you get close to him." "Mr. Grayson, I want you to know my friend Garry Minott." Peter rose to his feet.

Let him go his way and do you keep on in yours. Don't... but I can't talk here. Come and see me. I mean it." Breen's eyes glistened. "When?" "To-morrow night, at my rooms. Here's my card. And you, too, Mr. Minott glad to see both of you." Garry has just joined them. "Thanks awfully," answered Minott. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Grayson, but I'm booked for a supper at the Magnolia.