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85. =Macaroni Milanaise style.= Have ready some tomato sauce, made according to receipt No. 52, or use some fresh tomatoes passed through a sieve with a wooden spoon, and highly seasoned; and two ounces of grated Parmesan cheese; put half a pound of imported Italian macaroni in three quarts of boiling water, with two tablespoonfuls of salt, one saltspoonful of pepper in coarse pieces, called mignonette pepper, and a teaspoonful of butter; boil rapidly for about twenty minutes, or until you can easily pierce it with the finger nail, then drain it in a colander, run plenty of cold water from the faucet through it, and lay it in a pan of cold water until you are ready to use it.

FOUR ENTREMETS. Orange fritters; Tapioca pudding; Wine jelly; Potatoes a la Lyonnaise. TWO REMOVES. Roast fore-quarter of lamb; Spring chickens A la Montmorency. FOUR ENTREES. Fillets of ducklings, with green peas; Mutton cutlets a la Wyndham; Blanquette of chicken with cucumbers; Timbale of macaroni a la Milanaise. SECOND COURSE. Pigeons; Leveret. TWO REMOVES. Flemish gauffers; Iced Souffle.

This is the way he wrote the recipe for Risotto Milanaise: Risotto ala Milanaise "Onions chop fine marrow and little butter rice saffron chicken broth wen cook add fresh butter and Parmesan cheese seasoned." What was embodied in the words "wen cook" was the essential of the recipe and here is the way we got it: Chop one large onion fine.

"Your mushrooms a l'Italienne?" "These mushrooms! I thought they were well, yes, they are mushrooms!" "Yes, and a l'Italienne, too." "Pooh, they are old preserved mushrooms, a la milanaise. I abominate them!" "What kind is it you like, then?" "Fungi trifolati."

"Your mushrooms a l'Italienne?" "These mushrooms! I thought they were well, yes, they are mushrooms!" "Yes, and a l'Italienne, too." "Pooh, they are old preserved mushrooms, a la milanaise. I abominate them!" "What kind is it you like, then?" "Fungi trifolati."

"Your mushrooms a l'Italienne?" "These mushrooms! I thought they were well, yes, they are mushrooms!" "Yes, and a l'Italienne, too." "Pooh, they are old preserved mushrooms, a la milanaise. I abominate them!" "What kind is it you like, then?" "Fungi trifolati."