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I think, Grandma, that since Midge has earned this herself, she and the other girls ought to have the pleasure of spending it for the Dunns, in any way they choose." Grandma agreed with Uncle Steve in this matter, and the result was that the next day he took the three girls to town to spend their hard-earned money.

We'll all help her all we can, and if I'm not greatly mistaken our Marjorie will come out of this ordeal with flying colors." "It's will-power, little daughter," said Mr. Maynard to her one evening. "Just determine that this cloud shall not entirely obscure the sun for you." "Yes," said Midge, smiling, "it's just an eclipse, isn't it?"

All this Charlotte Bronte's townswoman told simply and garrulously, but she told it well because she had felt and seen. 'She wor so sma' and nesh; nowt but a midge. Theer was no lasst in her. Aye, when I heerd the bell tolling for Miss Charlotte that Saturday mornin, said the speaker, shaking her head as she moved away towards the church, 'I cud ha sat down an cried my eyes out.

We had fine skating till the snow came, and ever since, it's been bang-up sleighing. Well, only four more days, and then school, school, school!" "Don't remind me of it!" said Marjorie with a groan. "I wish I was a Fiji or whatever doesn't have to go to school at all!" "Oh, pshaw, Midge; it isn't so bad after you get started.

She could not think of such a thing; they could very well wait in the carriage while Captain Henderson went on to the town on his bicycle and sent out a midge. But there were showers about, and a damp feeling in the lane. Both the others thought this perilous; besides that, there might be rude passengers to laugh at their predicament; and Captain Henderson protested that the weight was nothing.

Much does not, in all probability, depend upon the success or failure of the piscator's cast, and very likely the midge might safely be allowed to remain on the leader's ear; but if you are walking in a lonely suburb or country lane, your life may depend upon the accuracy with which you can deliver one single cut or thrust with your faithful blackthorn.

The girls fell apart from one another through the mere shock, and when Molly and Midge dazedly opened their eyes, they saw Stella crumpled in a little heap on the floor. "Is she dead?" screamed Molly. "Oh, Marjorie, is she dead?" "I don't know," said Marjorie, whose face was almost as white as Stella's, as she leaned over the unconscious little girl.

Moralizing on the deceptiveness of appearances, Crimmins fortified himself with another slab of cut-plug. Miss Desha, up on a big bay gelding with white stockings, was waiting on the Logan Pike, where the driveway of Calvert House swept into it. "Do you know that you're riding Midge, and that she's a hard case?" she said ironically, as they cantered off together. "I'll bet you're thrown.

Some one is certainly following us, and the danger is near, but the trees hide our enemies from us. As she spoke she took the ball in her hand, and said: 'Listen to me, my ball, my ball. Be quick and change me into a breeze, And make my lover into a midge. An instant, and the girl was dissolved into thin air, while the prince darted about like a midge.

Colloquial language uses the terms Midge and Gnat to describe the tiny insects which we often see dancing in a ray of sunlight. There is something of everything in those aerial ballets. It is possible that the persecutrix of the Cabbage-caterpillar is there, along with many another; but the name of Midge cannot properly be applied to her.