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For comedy: Messieurs Fleury, Saint-Fal, Baptiste the younger, Armand, Thenard, Michot, Devigny, Michelot and Barbier; Mesdames Mars, Bourgoin, Thenard, Emilie Contat, and Mezeray. The management of the theater was given to M. Despres.

For comedy: Messieurs Fleury, Saint-Fal, Baptiste the younger, Armand, Thenard, Michot, Devigny, Michelot and Barbier; Mesdames Mars, Bourgoin, Thenard, Emilie Contat, and Mezeray. The management of the theater was given to M. Despres.

Talma and Michot came to direct us, and made us rehearse before them, sometimes altogether and sometimes separately. How many lessons have I received from Michot whilst walking in the beautiful park of Malmaison!

If this anecdote should be thought too puerile to be repeated here, I may observe that it afforded no small merriment to Bonaparte, who made Michot the actor relate it to the Empress at Paris one evening after a Court performance. Napoleon had now attained the avowed object of his ambition; but his ambition receded before him like a boundless horizon.

If this anecdote should be thought too puerile to be repeated here, I may observe that it afforded no small merriment to Bonaparte, who made Michot the actor relate it to the Empress at Paris one evening after a Court performance. Napoleon had now attained the avowed object of his ambition; but his ambition receded before him like a boundless horizon.

Carrying prudence to an extreme, he made it a rule never to enter the precincts of the Palais Royal, that place of perdition where he had spent fifty francs at Very's in a single day, and nearly five hundred francs on his clothes; and when he yielded to temptation, and saw Fleury, Talma, the two Baptistes, or Michot, he went no further than the murky passage where theatre-goers used to stand in a string from half-past five in the afternoon till the hour when the doors opened, and belated comers were compelled to pay ten sous for a place near the ticket-office.

England deceived by Napoleon Admirals Missiessy and Villeneuve Command given to Lauriston Napoleon's opinion of Madame de Stael Her letters to Napoleon Her enthusiasm converted into hatred Bonaparte's opinion of the power of the Church The Pope's arrival at Fontainebleau Napoleon's first interview with Pius VII. The Pope and the Emperor on a footing of equality Honours rendered to the Pope His apartments at the Tuileries His visit to the Imperial printing office Paternal rebuke Effect produced in England by the Pope's presence in Paris Preparations for Napoleon's coronation Votes in favour of hereditary succession Convocation of the Legislative Body The presidents of cantons Anecdote related by Michot the actor Comparisons Influence of the Coronation on the trade of Paris The insignia of Napoleon and the insignia of Charlemagne The Pope's mule Anecdote of the notary Raguideau Distribution of eagles in the Champ de Mars Remarkable coincidence.

"Ah, mademoiselle, you will not believe me but Suzanne Michot has respectable parents, and would not tell a lie well, Suzanne saw her mistress, Madame Casimir, standing up near her couch with both arms extended as to embrace the air. Round her there was believe it or not, mademoiselle, as you please a ring of light like a red fire, which seemed to grow larger and redder always.

Potier, the younger Baptiste, Michot, and Monrose. What are they compared to that old beggar?" "He is very knowing at the business, Pere Fourchon is," continued Charles; "and he has another string to his bow, besides. He calls himself a rope-maker, and has a walk under the park wall by the gate of Blangy.

It was a veil that had been confided to him the day before by his niece, Mademoiselle Jeanne Michot, whom he had accompanied to the theatre, and Madame Marmet explained how, finding it in the pocket of his overcoat, he had taken it to return it to his niece.