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One, two, three, four; seven of spades! It is all over, madame; your cat no longer exists!" "They have eaten him, the cannibals!" cried Mother Michel, sinking back, and she fancied she heard a plaintive miau, the last agonized cry of Moumouth. But it was not an illusion; a cat had miaued, and was still miauing in the next chamber.

Beyond leaving the crotch and edging mincingly downward, a yard or so, the Persian refused to obey the crooning summons. Plastered flat against the tree trunk, some nine feet above the ground, he miaued dolefully. "Hold Bobby's collar," suggested Brice, "and I think I can get the prematurely grizzled catling to earth."

Just as Marco lifted his head from his arm and sat up, she jumped down from her shelf and went to the door. She had expected to find it ajar as it had been before. When she found it shut, she scratched at it and was disturbed to find this of no use. Because she knew Marco was in the cellar, she felt she had a friend who would assist her, and she miaued appealingly. This reminded Marco of the key.

"I will when I have found it," he said. "It is inside the cellar." The cat miaued again, this time very anxiously indeed. The kittens heard her and began to squirm and squeak piteously. "Lead me to this little thing," said Marco, as if speaking to something in the darkness about him, and he got up. He put his hand out toward the kittens, and it touched something lying not far from them.

The breakfast over, the guests bow-wowed and miaued their thanks, and were dismissed to their morning nap. The musical clock now began to play its shepherd's song; the brass Cyclops standing on the dial struck the hour; the cuckoo called, and the halberdier saluted. Then the little maid changed her toilet. She had a whole wardrobe full of clothes; she might select what she chose to wear.