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"Very true," replied the Abbé Plomb. "But what is most curious is the number of absolutely dissimilar senses which the oldest symbolists attribute to the buckthorn. Saint Methodus uses it for virginity; Theodoret for sin; Saint Jerome ascribes it to the devil; and Saint Bernard takes it as symbolizing humility.

In 1537, he published at Leipsic a Latin work, "On the method of procuring Religious Concord, Methodus Concordiæ Ecclesiasticæ." He addressed it to the pope, to all sovereigns, bishops, doctors, and generally to all christians, exhorting them to peace, and to desist from contention.

He is said to have written 168 works, the best known of which are The Saints' Everlasting Rest , and Call to the Unconverted , manuals of practical religion; and, among his controversial writings, Methodus Theologiæ , and Catholic Theology , in which his theological standpoint a compromise between Arminianism and Calvinism is set forth. Dr.

Baxter stood first, and my favorite books were his Christian Directory, his Life of Faith, his Crucifixion of the World by the Cross of Christ, and his Directions for Settled Peace of Conscience. But, in truth, it is hard to say which of his works I did not regard as favorites. I liked his Catholic Theology, his Aphorisms on Justification, his Confessions, and even his Latin Methodus Theologiæ.

Thus, in speaking of even the "skilfullest physicians," he indicated that many of them "might, without disparagement to their profession, do it an useful piece of service, if they would be pleased to collect and digest all the approved experiments and practices of the farriers, graziers, butchers, and the like, which the ancients did not despise...; and ... which might serve to illustrate the methodus medendi."

Whenever Tacitus digresses, it is always appropriately, with taste and judgment. On these and other occasions, his digressions are seemly, and afford satisfaction as appertaining closely to the subject. Bodinus. Methodus ad facilem Historiarum Cognitionem. p. 66.

"You may further consult Saint Methodus, Saint Mechtildis, Peter of Capua, and the English monk of whom you spoke, and you will find that the lily is the attribute, not only of the Virgin Mary, but of virginity in general and of all virgins.

I went through, not only the whole of his voluminous practical works, but many of his doctrinal and controversial ones, including his Catholic Theology, his Aphorisms on Justification, his Confessions, and his most elaborate, comprehensive and wonderful work of all, his Methodus Theologiæ, in Latin.

Not only does Turler say so himself, but Theodor Zwinger, who three years later wrote Methodus Apodemica, declares that Turler and Pyrckmair were his only predecessors in this sort of composition. Pyrckmair was apparently one of those governors, or Hofmeister, who accompanied young German noblemen on their tours through Europe.