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"The boy has obviously been stolen by some hireling of his mother's." I am reading Mr Ford's actual words, he said, addressing Cynthia with that touch of diffidence which had marked his manner since his entrance. 'Don't apologize, said Cynthia, with a short laugh. 'You're not responsible for Mr Ford's rudeness. Mr Mennick bowed. 'He continued: "Remove him from her illegal restraint.

'Who is this gentleman? she asked languidly. The intruder was made of tougher stuff than his lordship. He met her eye with quiet firmness. 'My name is Mennick, he said. 'I am Mr Elmer Ford's private secretary. 'What do you want? said Mrs Ford. 'I have already explained what I want, Mrs Ford. I want Ogden. Cynthia raised her eyebrows. 'What does he mean, Nesta? Ogden is not here.

Well, shall I sound him about Ogden? The magic word took Mrs Ford's mind off the matrimonial future of Mr Burns, and brought him into prominence in his capacity of knight-errant. She laughed happily. The contemplation of Mr Burns as knight-errant healed the sting of defeat. The affair of Mr Mennick began to appear in the light of a mere skirmish. 'You take my breath away! she said.

She took a half-step towards Mrs Ford, as if about to speak, then drew back. 'Come, Ogden, said Mr Mennick gruffly. Necessary, this Hired Assassin work, but painful devilish painful. He breathed a sigh of relief as he passed into the corridor with his prize. At the door Mrs Sheridan hesitated, stopped, and turned. 'I'm sorry, she said impulsively.

'Oh, I promised and vowed many things in your name to that secretary person, the female one not Mennick if she would help us. Nothing doing. I told her to let us have Ogden as soon as possible, C.O.D., and she withered me with a glance and went. Mrs Ford shrugged her shoulders impatiently. 'Oh, let her go. I'm sick of amateurs. 'Thank you, dear, said Cynthia. 'Oh, I know you did your best.

I wish Mr Mennick had not brought me into this. 'Nesta's mad about that boy, said Cynthia. 'Heaven knows why. I never saw such a repulsive child in my life. However, there it is. I am sorry for you. I gathered from what Mr Mennick said that you were to have a good deal of Ogden's society for some time to come. How do you feel about it? Mrs Sheridan moved towards the door.

'How do you propose that Mr Burns shall help us? 'It's perfectly simple. You heard Mr Mennick read that telegram. Ogden is to be sent to a private school. Peter shall go there too. 'But how? I don't understand. We don't know which school Mr Mennick will choose. 'We can very soon find out. 'But how can Mr Burns go there? 'Nothing easier.

Mr Mennick produced from his breast-pocket a telegraph form, and in his quiet, business-like way proceeded to straighten it out. 'I have here, he said, 'a telegram from Mr Broster, Ogden's tutor. It was one of the conditions of his engagement that if ever he was not certain of Ogden's whereabouts he should let me know at once.

'Perhaps you would like to search my bedroom? said Mrs Ford, flinging the door open. Mr Mennick remained uncrushed. 'Quite unnecessary, Mrs Ford. I take it, from the fact that he does not appear to be in this suite, that he is downstairs making a late luncheon in the restaurant. 'I shall telephone 'And tell them to send him up. Believe me, Mrs Ford, it is the only thing to do.

I have his reply' he fished for and produced a second telegram 'here. 'I still fail to see what brings you here, said Mrs Ford. 'Owing to the gross carelessness of his father's employees, my son appears to have been kidnapped. That is no reason 'I will read Mr Ford's telegram, proceeded Mr Mennick unmoved. 'It is rather long. I think Mr Ford is somewhat annoyed.