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"Browne, Meach, and Turner, go down to about the middle of the field and return the balls. Cloud, take a ball over nearer the side-line and try some drop-kicks. Post, you do the same, please. And let me see, what is your name?" addressing a good-looking and rather slight youth. "Ah, yes, Clausen. Well, Clausen, you and Wills try some punts over there, and do try and get the leg swing right.

"Why, to meetin', of course." He hadn't been in a meetin'-house for two years, and we all knew it, and Miss Cork knew that we knew it hence the meach. "He don't go to meetin' here to Jonesville," sez Arville. It wuz real mean in her, but I spoze it wuz to pay Miss Cork off for her aggravatin'.

Four yards were netted, Meach, the substitute left half, being tackled by Post. In the mix-up that followed Joel found himself sprawling over the runner, with Cloud sitting astride the small of his back, a very uncomfortable part of the body with which to support a weighty opponent.

It was an unexpected play, and the second's halfs saw it too late. Meach and Wills were shouldered out of the way, and Cloud ran free from his interference and bore down on Joel, looking very big and ugly. It was Cloud's opportunity to redeem himself, and with only a green full-back between him and the goal line his chances looked bright indeed. But he was reckoning without his host.

Bines, you half-way persuade me. I'll certainly try the copper play and about the other well, we'll see; I don't promise, mind you!" "You think over it. I'm sure you'll like the idea think of bein' in that great nobility, and bein' around them palaces with their dukes and counts. Think how these same New York women will meach to you then!" The old man rose.