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"Unfortunately," he continued, "I have but one cat now ready, for I carried two to children in the town yesterday. And the one I have shall be given to your brother, Mayrie, because he is the smaller; and the next one I make shall be for you."

"Oh, Tlaus!" she cried, clapping her small hands together with rapture; "tan I have 'at boo'ful lady?" "Do you like it?" he asked. "I love it!" said she. "It's better 'an tats!" "Then take it, dear, and be careful not to break it." Mayrie took the dolly with a joy that was almost reverent, and her face dimpled with smiles as she started along the path toward home. The Wickedness of the Awgwas

The boy's face was bright with smiles as he took the precious toy Claus held out to him; but little Mayrie covered her face with her arm and began to sob grievously. "I I I wants a t t tat now!" she wailed. Her disappointment made Claus feel miserable for a moment. Then he suddenly remembered Shiegra.

It did not take him long to do this, for he had become skillful with his knife by this time, and Mayrie loved her toy the more dearly because she had seen it made. After his little visitors had trotted away on their journey homeward Claus sat long in deep thought. And he then decided that such fierce creatures as his friend the lioness would never do as models from which to fashion his toys.

Little Mayrie stopped in her flight and her brother clung to her skirt; but they both cast fearful glances at the house until Claus had assured them many times that the beast had been locked in the cupboard. "Yet why were you frightened at seeing it?" he asked. "It is only a toy to play with!" "It's bad!" said Mayrie, decidedly, "an' an' just horrid, an' not a bit nice, like tats!"

It was really a beautiful thing to look upon, and sure to bring joy to some childish heart. While Claus was admiring it he heard a knock at his door, and little Mayrie entered. Her face was sad and her eyes red with continued weeping. "Why, what has grieved you, my dear?" asked Claus, taking the child in his arms. "I've I've bwoke my tat!" sobbed Mayrie. "How?" he inquired, his eyes twinkling.

Then snarling at Blinkie, who arched her back in terror and whined fearfully, she walked away toward her forest home with stately strides. How Little Mayrie Became Frightened The winter was over now, and all the Laughing Valley was filled with joyous excitement.

"Don't cry, darling!" he said, soothingly; "I have a toy much nicer than a cat, and you shall have that." He went to the cupboard and drew out the image of the lioness, which he placed on the table before Mayrie. The girl raised her arm and gave one glance at the fierce teeth and glaring eyes of the beast, and then, uttering a terrified scream, she rushed from the house.

"I I dwopped him, an' bwoke off him's tail; an' an' then I dwopped him an' bwoke off him's ear! An' an' now him's all spoilt!" Claus laughed. "Never mind, Mayrie dear," he said. "How would you like this new dolly, instead of a cat?" Mayrie looked at the silk-robed dolly and her eyes grew big with astonishment.

"I wants a tat!" replied little Mayrie; and her brother, who had not yet learned to speak many words, nodded his head and exclaimed like an echo: "Tat!" "Oh, you want my toy cats, do you?" returned Claus, greatly pleased to discover that his creations were so popular with children. The little visitors nodded eagerly.