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They Break Their Fast in the Wildwood Now when it was hard on noon, and they had lain long in that grassy place, Ralph rose up and stood upon his feet, and made as one listening. But the Lady looked on him and said: "It is naught save a hart and his hind running in the wood; yet mayhappen we were best on the road, for it is yet long."

And it fell into their hearts that now at last mayhappen was their abiding wearing out to an end, and that the day should soon be when they should have to bear the Hall-Sun through the wild-wood, and seek a new dwelling-place afar from the troubling of these newly arisen Welsh foemen.

Then cried Gunnar to the man who is called Fjornir "Arise, and give us to drink goodly wine from great tuns, because mayhappen this shall be very last of all our feasts; for belike if we die the old wolf shall come by the gold, and that bear shall nowise spare the bite of his war-tusks." Then all the folk of his household brought them on their way weeping. The son of Hogni said

"If I'd kenned you were shooting, mayhappen we could have put off loading the peat." "You knew we were shooting when you saw the beaters." "Aw, yis," said Peter. "It was over late then. I wadn't willingly spoil any man's sport, but we had browt up eight horses and had to get to work." "You have plenty of work at Ashness."

But, ho again! has no one gone after the felon to take him?" Robert grinned up from his job with the hurt man: "Nay, King David," said he, "it is mostly thy business; mayhappen thou wilt lay thy heels on thy neck and after him."

Osborn's heart is good, but at Tarnside women dinna count. It's a kind o' pity, because t' Osborn menfolk are lakers and always was." A laker is a lounging pleasure-seeker and Kit admitted that the remark was justified. "I sometimes think Osborn means well," he said. "Mayhappen! For aw his ordering folks aboot, he's wake; like his father, I mind him weel.

Railton hung a kettle on a hook above the fire, and then turned with a start as a girl came into the porch. "Miss Osborn!" she exclaimed. Grace advanced calmly, although there was some color in her face, because she knew the others were surprised that she had come. "Is Mr. Hayes here?" she asked. "Mayhappen he's at the pens," Lucy replied. "I thought I heard his car."

He went out and Peter, who walked to the porch with him, came back and looked quietly at Kit. "A proud and foolish man, but he's hit hard!" he said. "Mayhappen it will hurt, my lad, but you must be done wi' this. Osborn's daughter is none for you." Kit looked straight in front, with his hands clenched. "So it seems, for some years. It does hurt. I cannot give her up."

Now, thou art self-willed, and hot-blooded, and not unlovely, so that thou mayst have loved and been loved ere now. But thou art so wily and subtle that mayhappen thou wilt not understand what I mean, when I say that love of this young man hath suddenly entered into my heart, so that I long for him more this minute than I did the last, and the next minute shall long still more.

Birdalone's heart sickened, and she thought to herself that now all was to begin again; yet she felt that the worst was over since he was not dead, and she was able to think what she should do. So she said: Mayhappen he hath gone back to the Castle of the Quest?