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Well, since I'm in for it, but you'll never breathe it? and it's not worth while darkening Effie with it, let alone she's so giddy my mother'd know I'd been giving it mouth, perhaps I oughtn't, but there! poor Mary! He used to hang about the place, having seen her once when she came round from Windsor in a schooner, and it was a storm, may-happen he saved her life in it.

So when he bethought him of the commandment of his father, he said to them who went in his company: "The wicked have wrongfully cast me forth out of mine heritage: yet have I good hope in our Lord that he will help me; go we now to the Court of the Count Amile, who was my friend and my fellow. May-happen he will make us rich with his goods and his havings.

Then they untrussed their sumpter-beast, and took meat and drink from his burden, and they ate and drank together, sitting on the green grass there; and the twain made great joy of the Sage, and told him the whole tale; and he told them that he had been abiding there since the spring-tide, lest they might have turned back without accomplishing their quest, and then may-happen he should have been at hand to comfort them, or the one of them left, if so it had befallen.

"'Yea, she said, 'I will tell thee all about it, and then there will be an end of the story, for none knoweth better thereof than I. First there was that old man, the wizard, to whom folk from Swevenham and other places about were used to seek for his lore in hidden matters; and some months after those three had departed, folk who went to his abode amongst the mountains found him not; and soon the word was about that he also, for as feeble as he was, had gone to seek the Well at the World's End; though may-happen it was not so.

I am somewhat more than a sorceress, may-happen, said the wood-wife; but heed it not, since I am thy friend to-day, but tell me what I ask, that I may have all the tale of thee; it will serve for the shortening of the way. Said Arthur: And who but I needeth it as short as may be? so stand we not loitering here, and I will talk as we wend on speedily.

"I would like; I've lived at Mireside sin' I was born. There's another thing: it's none too good a time for a sale o' farming stock, and when I've paid Osborn, I'll need some money to mak' anither start. Then may-happen a dry spring wold put me straight." "It ought to; you're not much behind," Peter agreed.

Nay, who knows, if thou'rt a good girl, but may-happen I may make thee my lady's maid! Wouldn't that be nice? So I e'en sing to myself th' beginning o' one o' my songs 'An' ye shall walk in silk attire, An' siller hae to spare." "Nay, don't stop; or else give me something rather more new, for somehow I never quite liked that part about thinking o' Donald mair?"

Noise looked up thereat and said, "Ah! now are they minded to go on according to their wont; do ye, may-happen, think my freedom too great, though I lie out here in the cold?" "Art thou witless," said Angle, "that thou seest not that thy foes are come upon thee, and will slay you all?" Then Noise answered nought, but yelled out all he might, when he knew the men who they were.

"Well then," said the captain, "art thou but riding straight through to another gate, and so away again?" "Nay," said Ralph, "if I may, I would abide here the night over, or may-happen longer." "Therein thou shalt do well, young man," said the captain; "then I suppose thou wilt to some hostelry? tell me which one." Said Ralph, "Nay, I wot not to which one, knowing not the town."

She said, "Yet again I dreamed that women came in, heavy and drooping, and chose thee for their mate; may-happen these would be thy fateful women." He answered, "Hard to arede is this, and none may set aside the fated measure of his days, nor is it unlike that my time is short." So in the morning they arose, and were minded for the journey, but some letted them herein.