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Accusationes, poenae, jus redditum. 13. Scuto frameaque ornati juvenes, principum comites: eorum virtus et fama. 14. Gentis bellica studia. 15. In pace, venatio, otium: Collata principibus munera. 16. Urbes nullae: vici, domus, specus suffugium hiemi et receptaculum frugibus. 17. Vestitus hominum, feminarum. 18. Matrimonia severa: dos a marito oblata. 19. Pudicitia.

"Certainly you must have some money," she said. The boy began to cry, and then she struck him with her foot till he cried out louder. "Will you be quiet? or I'll break your screaming head;" and she swung about the fire-pot which she held in her hand, while the boy crouched to the earth and screamed. Then a neighbor came in, and she had also a marito under her arm.

Livio, close to him, was twanging his mandolin and singing some absurd melody: "Ah, Signor!" "Scusi, Signora?" "È forae il mio marito, Da molti anni smarrito?..." Peter broke in softly, "Livio, I go. I have had enough." Livio's eyebrows rose; he shrugged his shoulders, but continued his singing. He, anyhow, had not yet had enough of such a good-natured audience.

Not knowing the least what he meant, she replied: "Si: tante grazie." He looked puzzled for a moment and then repeated his question in English. "In what deestrict of Italy 'ave you voyaged most?" Lucia understood that: so did Mrs Weston, and Lucia pulled herself together. "In Rome," she said. "Che bella citta! Adoro Roma, e il mio marito. Non e vere, Peppino?"

and such damp, shivery places, he is all right, but when he sings of 'love's light wings, and all that nonsense, he is impeded; now open to him 'Italian, the language of angels' you know the old rhyme and see what a chance he has among the "liquid l's and bell-voiced m's and crushed tz's." To-night you will hear Desdemona call Othello 'Il mio marito, in a way that will start the tears.

Of the like kind may be reckoned another stanza in the same book: Jussa coram non sine conscio Surgit marito, seu vocat institor, Seu navis Hispanae magister, Dedecorum pretiosus emptor. HOR. Lib. iii. Ode. vi. 29. The conscious husband bids her rise, When some rich factor courts her charms, Who calls the wanton to his arms, And, prodigal of wealth and fame, Profusely buys the costly shame.

Pickering, while I and the rest went to see the Queen, who used us very respectfully: her hand we all kissed. She seems a very debonaire, but a plain lady. She had here one picture upon the top, with these words, dedicating it to the memory of her husband: "Incomparabili marito, inconsolabilis vidua." 18th.

That wonderful little possessive pronoun MY has a great, thrilling power. 'My husband' will be as fine to your ears as 'il mio marito, which has, after all, a slippery, uncertain sound; and as for 'my wife' "

The ancient Gauls' looked upon it as a very horrid thing for a man to have society with a woman before he was twenty years of age, and strictly recommended to the men who designed themselves for war the keeping their virginity till well grown in years, forasmuch as courage is abated and diverted by intercourse with women: "Ma, or congiunto a giovinetta sposa, E lieto omai de' figli, era invilito Negli affetti di padre et di marito."

"Don't be angry," he pleaded; "I received nothing, I have nothing at all;" and he seized his mother's dress and would have kissed it. Then they went into a little room. I need not describe it, but only say that there stood in it an earthen pot with handles, made for holding fire, which in Italy is called a marito. This pot she took in her lap, warmed her fingers, and pushed the boy with her elbow.